
Saturday, June 30, 2012

three comments on the human condition

three comments on the human condition

edward w pritchard

A pretty little girl runs to her Mother at McDonalds and jumps into her lap and cries. The girl is about two years old and has been playing in the play area in a small climbing area at McDonald's. The Mother has been sitting guarding the food and also watching the little girl's older brother who is playing high up in the climbing apparatus with some of the older boys.

Just prior to jumping in her Mother's lap, the little girl stands and points like an ancient statue of Zeus in an ancient Greek momument. The girl points emphatically with both arms fully outstretched one hand pointing for a moment or two at some small children just before she jumps on her Mother's lap.

The Mother strokes the little girls hair for a minute and then the girl contendedly points again at the children she was playing with, glancing at them from the corner of her eye.

After about five minutes the little girl finishes the rest of the french fries and slowly extends her right hand and holds her finger like Adam in Michangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. Pointing her finger lazily as she finishes her food the little girl holds out the pointed finger for about ten seconds as she glances one last time at the children who upset her earlier.

Don't text me good-bye Molly, the breakup

 Don't text me good-bye Molly, the breakup

edward w pritchard

Don't text me Molly.

Listen to my voice mail and call me
or, come to the house.
Be mad at me,
slap my shoulder,
thump my chest with the back of your hand.
Pour my bottle of french Cognac down the drain again. 

Talk to me Molly, I want to hear your voice.
Use your small voice. Tell me how you feel.
I need to taste your smell again. 
Lock yourself in the bathroom again and cry.
Sit on the floor in the lotus position and bang the back of
the bathroom door with your fists again. 
Sleep all night in the car in a snow storm rather than come to our bed.  

Please don't text me  Molly:
Texting  is;
stealthful, premeditated, passionless , words over words, impersonal symbols, guileful phases, hidden feelings, logical darts to the heart. 
Come back to the house Molly. Lets argue. Throw things, put the baseball card collection on the curb again.  
Don't text me good-bye Molly,
Call me,

love bobbi

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

internet advice; turn your life around

internet advice; turn your life around

edward w pritchard

Went to the internet for realistic, practical advice to turn one's life around. The car wouldn't start and the house doors needed painted. Trying to be proactive and use my own initiative; I was looking for practical tips and advice and so I turned to the internet.  

Found as the first entry was a picture under "turn your life around" of the dolled out singer Shakira in a cage, distracting true , but hardly practical or timely.

the sun won't aways rise tomorrow

the sun won't aways rise tomorrow

edward w pritchard

The sun won't always rise,
and not just for you,
but for all of us.
Animals, people, plants and earth too.
What then?
Will it effect Saturn's moons?
Across the universe
Will it be noted?
Will it be dated, or recorded?
Will tomorrow be like today?
How much longer till tomorrow,
Today the car won't start and the doors need painted.

lamentation number 8

lamentation number 8

Lord, with an envious heart I look on the success of others.
Yet I know that all suffer the same end,
and most suffer in silence day to day.
For years I have relied on fate
which due to my proclivities is indifferent.
Lift my eyes to the Mountains
and guide my actions through instruction
revealed nightly in my troubling dreams.
I harm no one,
but accomplish little.
A waste of precious days.
Flash your light into
my weary eyes.
Reach to my  outstretched hand.

Also reprinted:

lamentation number 6

edward w pritchard

I am cast in a pit but I wait patiently for the return of your favor Lord. Hear my quiet prayer and take note of my suffering. Night is long and darkness interminable, raise your hand Lord and guide me into the the light of your grace. Humbly I endure the punishment for my sins. Send winds and light rain to cleanse my soul and heal my spirit. Birds sing and gardens grow when the Lord is pleased. Drinking water is sweet and food flavorful when the Lord smiles upon his prodigal sons.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

thick soled hard rubber white shoes

thick soled hard rubber white shoes

edward w pritchard

The man was sitting about three rows in front of me and to my left on the outside seat of bus eight from the University to downtown Morgantown. I was staring at his shoes and had been for five or six blocks as the bus rumbled through the narrow twisting streets of the Campus.

There was something ominous about the shoes. Wide soled with hard white rubber about three inches thick. The shoes had the look of hazardous chemical spills. The man must work in the coal industry out toward Westover. There was no coal dust on the shoes or on the man's orange industrial work uniform. He was perfectly clean. Still he harbinged the look of death or at least gas masks and hacking coughs caused by exposure to poisonous chemicals.

A Mother got on the bus and must have had the same premonition about the man for her and her little daughter dragged their packages through the narrow aisle of the bus to the back rather than sit near the man in the thick white shoes. All the front seats near the man were empty although the bus was crowded.

A few  months later I had a horrible dream that the man on the bus was a serial killer and was chasing me and the little girl who had been on the bus that day with her Mother. I woke in a sweat with a vivid picture of that little girl in my mind's eye. The girl in the dream was wearing the actual red dress my Mother had bought me back when I was four to go downtown Morgantown to see the Coal Mining museum with  relatives in town from Cleveland, Ohio. My Dad wanted to show his brothers the  coal mining museum because their  Grandparent had worked in in the coal mines for over forty years.

Jake Wessup had the face of a Botticelli angel

Jake Wessup had the face of a Botticelli angel

edward w pritchard

Jake Wessup had the face of a Botticelli angel. Jake had that curly thick black hair, wide shoulders and was over six feet tall. When I was a sophomore Jake was a senior and I had quite a crush on him as did most of the girls in our school at one time or the other.

My passion cooled for Jake when I saw him parking cars at Karson's funeral home. Jake looked very good and well pressed in a sharp black suit and well shined shoes. It was the yellow flags he motioned with that turned me off. I was working at Park Ford in Clarksburg as the Summer receptionist and each day as I drove through Morgantown to get to work I passed Karson's funeral home and watched Jake motion the cars into the funeral line for the trip to the cemetery with those yellow flags. Jake seemed nervous in his work and a little unauthentic as he mechanically went  about his job duties stiffly waving those flags and awkwardly stomping around the parking lot outside the funeral parlor.

It was a lesson I learned about handsome men early in life. No matter how good looking someone is it is a turn off to know them too well. I guess the same lesson goes for a Man's attraction to a woman. I have always tried to maintain an air of mystery about myself and never let a man get too familiar and comfortable with me. I guess its a fault with me of sorts but it keeps my life interesting.

Monday, June 25, 2012

adolph hitler, a series of candid conversations

adolph hitler, a series of candid conversations/part 2

edward w pritchard

I spent a while in 1934 as Adolph Hitler's food taster. The very real possibility existed that Adolph would be poisoned and since the man called the Fuhrer liked talking with me about Art and Philosophy I spent about ninety days in the inner circle. In that capacity I had a chance to have many intimate conversations with Hitler who is still an enigma to me and as I am sure, he is to most Historians.

For example, The Fuhrer had a terrific self discipline for himself.  Something he says he acquired as a boy brought about by his relationship with his domineering father, and as a result of Hitler's experiences as a message runner in World War One. Of course Hitler was also a vegetarian, that's well known. But Adolph always watched what he ate carefully but then out of the blue Hitler would binge on an incredible amount of candy and sweet foods. Afterward he would chastise those around him, like myself, about our smoking of cigarettes as disgusting and our eating of meat as ghoulish. Criticizing others for lacking discipline was common with Hitler. He always needed an enemy to make himself feel better.

Hitler's rage was legendary. However, only once was I the recipient of one of his tirades. It was about modern art. I mentioned that I thought that all of the various genres of Art might be appropriate to be included in the magnificent Art museum he was always planning for his home town of Linz. We were at a dinner with about ten people, all close to the Nazi movement. Hitler  went into a rage against me about my opinions on Art, which Hitler knew to be different than his but had never made the slightest comment on before. All the guests were thunderstruck by the Fuhrer  blasting at me for as I will explain later I was a favorite and was often given small gifts by Adolph and often in a business meeting the Fuhrer would stop everything to ask me an obscure question about what Hegel might think on a current issue. Later I decided that the Fuhrer was being theatrical and had planned to express his opinions of the degeneracy of modern art and it had sprung forth out of his mouth before he could stop it. I will explain more later about Hitler and Art for it is important to someone wanting to understand his motivations. Keep in mind that I enjoyed Hitler's paintings and was one of the first to tell him that he was a competent artist. At least one of the first that was both qualified and sincere in their opinions. Also Hitler would often share with me his plans for new buildings in Berlin, some of which he had designed as far back as when he was incarcerated after the Putsch.
end part 2

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Adolph Hitler, a series of candid conversations

Adolph Hitler, a series of candid conversations/part 1

edward w pritchard

Author through a series of conversations between the young man who is the speaker in Wiemar Germany is where my heart lies from earlier in the blog and Adolph Hitler will examine some of the motivations for Adolph Hitler's behavior and strange actions. Of course it is a work of fiction but Author has read and researched Herr Hitler and will suggest plausible explanations for Hitler's deeds and theories.

Friday, June 22, 2012

drones invade the restaurant business

drones invade the restaurant business

edward w pritchard

It's an indisputable fact. Twelve percent of restaurant employees don't strictly adhere to  the guidelines of the Allied Restaurant Association for hand cleansing.

Fast food drone 900 series do not need bathroom breaks or any type of break. No female style drone has boy friend problems and  no male style drones is too drunk and hung over to go to work on weekends.

True, unemployment will rise with the displacement of human fast food workers by drone 900 series workers. However, humans can train and seek higher level employment. In time equilibrium of employment will be reached again. Meanwhile drones are more sanitary, more productive and after the initial investment much cheaper to maintain as employees.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

little angie, precious maid part 6

little angie, precious maid part 6

edward w pritchard

day 9

Little Angie, precious maid; where are you my dear dear daughter?

Everyday someone who has had a horrible tragedy in their recent  past has a harder and harder time ignoring reality. Probability makes each passing day the enemy. How can I be optimistic that my daughter will be found alive when she has been gone nine days?

People don't know how to deal with someone who is consumed with fear and unable to be civil or socially upbeat. I feel like a statue made of glass and any slight touch will shatter me. Some people I know have started to make hints that I must come to terms that my daughter is gone, probably for good.

Everyone is a suspect to me.  All men, teenage boys, policemen, farmers and today everyone. Even my wife in my deepest ruminations is subject of my suspicions. My wife never wanted children. Angie our only daughter disrupted my wife's career as a nurse.

At the library today several people went out of their way to avoid me. Is it the look in my eyes they fear. Maybe my haunted face reminds everyone all too factually that everything is temporal. Nothing lasts, nothing is permanent. A beautiful seven year old girl is gone. What is lost as well is my innocence.

Tonight I take pills again. I need to escape from the world.  Somehow I always wake up in the morning optimistic that a miracle will happen today. Magical thinking they call it. For tonight pills will allow me to sleep in dreamless sleep in a world where beautiful little girls are not in danger.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

forgiving a local bank of 5 million in tarp funds

forgiving a local bank of 5 million in tarp funds

edward w pritchard

There is a small local bank in my area who owes Tarp [troubled assets relief program] eight million dollars and has been given an offer in compromise to pay back only three million by government entities charged with collecting back the tax payers subsidy monies. Having worked in the Banking field in Commercial Loan workout I will be presumptuous and write against the deal on behalf of the silent taxpayers, to busy with their own interest to devote time or thought to the matter.
First any bank in the future who owes the Federal Government money will well note the extraordinary deal. An offer to pay back about a third of the money owed is quite a deal.
Were there any personal guarantees or security agreements by anyone who was involved in the original deal at the Bank in question? How can the tax payers be sure that the collectors for Tarp are making a prudent offer based on the circumstances. How would a non corporate deal look if an individual owed eight million. Would they be treated the same way the bank has been treated? Was any collateral liquidated prior to this last ditch effort to take a partial recovery for the tax payers?
What steps are in place to keep the lenders who approved the original eight million dollar loan of Tarp funds to the small bank in Akron, Ohio from making the same mistake in their loan judgment in the future.
Is the three million dollar partial payment available as cash in hand or will the tax payers have to accept payments or further compromises to collect.

Five million dollars is a lot of money around Akron, Ohio. We are laying off school teachers locally. Five million dollars would help to teach a lot of children here to become more proficient in math and science.


job hunting in 2012

job hunting in 2012

edward w pritchard

Job hunting in June 2012 is different. Apparently all the laws and controls put in place from 1964 to 1990 to protect the workers privacy and keep corporations honest and balance their tendency to be high handed in general toward individuals were thrown out the window of late. Social security number required to apply for a job, drug test pre-hire, back ground checks by quasi gestapo style services.

I always thought the Democratic party was the party that protected workers from big business. Sad it seems now the Republican party continues to be pro business and pro corporations in general and the Democrats  have become pro ultra large corporate interests.

Who will protect the workers?

As a practical matter today companies depend heavily on sheltered HR units that use the Internet to categorize, screen and herd prospective employees. Most recruiters are young and assume everyone should be retired and rich by age 40, as they plan to be, and anyone over 40 shouldn't really need a job anyway. Anyone with any type of criminal background issue, large or small is not considered. Most companies won't hire anyone who is not employed in the exact type job they are applying for. Unemployed persons are put on extinction. Service industries will not condescend to hire somebody who is exactly the profile of their average customer. A corporation uses proprietary software and then won't hire a qualified applicant who doesn't have experience on that operating system.

Current high unemployment is partially caused by the difficulties caused by the inability of corporations to be flexible enough to use a variety of methods to find applicants and then hire and train qualified people. Instead of being proactive to find employees,  Corporations lobby for less government regulation and increased financial subsidy by the public sector to pad their bottom lines each quarter.

End Corporate Welfare. Remove tax breaks from corporations that are high handed in their hiring practices. In my city the worse companies in terms of recruiting always end up on published lists of the "best place to work." Media, wake up and  get with the program. See things as they are.

American Public, there are no unions much to protect workers anymore in the private sector. As a consumer don't patronize companies with despicable recruiting practices.  Do spend money at businesses who hire locally and use a balanced approach  to reaching out to prospective employees from all the corners of American society.

Small business, small banks and businesses that treat workers as partners and friends. It's good business and good for society. Then less government intervention in business is a good thing. For now
Democratic party, do your duty, protect worker rights.

travel videos and real life

travel videos and real life

edward w pritchard

Watch 100 travel videos. The greatest Civilizations, cultures and cities of the modern world. People creating, making art, writing, playing music; work, it's a joy for people in travel videos.

One thing you will not see in travel videos is handicapped children. Not surprising. Do you see handicapped children in daily life. Sometimes you see the special bus bring the handicapped children home. Mom runs out anxious to see if her child is safe.

Anyone with small children can relate to the difficulties of watching the children today with societies indifferent attitude to the fate of our children. With great promise the entrance of women into the business world and politics was to make to a kinder gentler attitude toward childcare. Alas, not so it seems, business as usual be it men or women running things.

It must be especially challenging for families of handicapped children. Raise your awareness. What do families of handicapped children do each day to meet the challenges of raising their children. Life for them is not like a travel video.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pink and Fiona Apple; white lady sings the blues

Pink and Fiona Apple; white lady sings the blues

edward w pritchard

Still waiting here for more blues songs from two exquisite modern singers, Pink and Fione Apple. Fione Apple is great on After You've Gone, you tube studio recording and Pink nails it with Me and Bobby McGhee, yahoo session. Pink's rendition  is better than Janis Joplin IMO; I would like to hear her record Ball and Chain by Big Mama Thornton.

Does an artist have a duty to record for distant posterity in a genre that they usually don't record in? Not sure here, but if one has a one in ten million talent from God shouldn't they record while they can?

As an aside here is something else on After You've Gone from earlier in the blog concerning the Great Bessie Smith.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bessie Smith sang it second

Bessie Smith sang it second

edward w pritchard

Most people take as axiomatic that Black Americans put the soul in twentieth century American music. Comparing just Black and White singers, there is something maybe imparted from the prejudiced and suffering Black people endured throughout the first three quarters of the twentieth century that results in the early blues of Black Americans being superior to that of White Americans singing the same genre of songs. Today we shall test this using Bessie Smith and Marion Harris.

Marion Harris [1896 - April 23, 1944] first sang and recorded "St Louis Blues" and "A Good Man Is Hard to Find", and "After Your Gone", later, [five or ten years], recorded by Bessie Smith. Of good family, Harris performed in vaudeville and pre-1920 became the first female white musician to record the blues. WC Handy the Black composer, who wrote St Louis Blues , said this of Marion Harris "she played the blues so well that people sometimes thought she was colored" So Marion Harris, white blues pioneer recorded the three classic blues songs first and Bessie Smith perhaps the greatest female blues singer ever recorded them second. Who had the superior performances judged by the recordings of these three songs.

Marion Harris has perfect diction on her songs and there is a sadness conveyed that moves the listener. Her performance of "After your Gone" is comparable to Bessie Smith's. However Bessie Smith's performance of St Louis Blues is with out compare and of "A Good Man is Hard to Find" is the standard for that song. Maybe a tie on "After your Gone" and large advantage to Bessie Smith on the other two songs.

Why is Bessie Smith's music the penultimate? Did she bring a suffering to a performance because she was a dark skinned Black woman, a larger woman or was it because of her humble roots. Hard to know. Listen to both singers particularly when you are sad and down yourself. Marion Harris was talented but no singer Black or White compares to Bessie Smith.

Update: stand up drones pan handling in akron, Ohio

Update: stand up drones pan handling in Akron, Ohio

edward w pritchard

Reiters update
1400 hrs, 06/22/2017

An attempt to circumvent the anti- pan handling laws recently enacted in Akron, Ohio has brought an interesting case concerning the rights of artificial intelligence drones to the Supreme Court of the United States. The case argued by a human, the noted William Francis,  on behalf of the drones; for drones are not yet allowed to argue before Federal Courts in America , although they may stand before the bench in the States of Vermont and Idaho, concerns tolerable working conditions for drones which are still technically considered property in the State of Ohio. In particular the case concerns standing on ones feet in the summer heat for extended hours with out a break.

 Long considered machines or mere factors of production without rights the drones have refused for the time being to stand along expressway entrances in Ohio and the job has returned to humans who now stand with handwritten signs and panhandle money from stopped drivers. The drones became common sites at corners throughout Ohio after the Ohio Supreme upheld the strict Akron Municipal ordinances on licensing of pan handlers in the summer of 2012. In an attempt to circumvent the anti panhandling ordinances and associated fees enterprising human panhandlers through out Ohio last Summer began buying up the outdated drone 2006 models. The 2006 drones are the common early generation standing artificial intelligence units typically  used in the fast food industry in America.  While incapable of human style interaction and conversation the durable 2006 model can stand upright for long periods of time and unlike later generations of drones seldom complain about working conditions and tend to be unsophisticated concerning salary and compensation issues in general. These are not to be confused with the 2006G military drones which are still in common use throughout the world by the US Army in various hot zones in detection and prevention.

To date none of the large unions have spoken out for against the position of the drones but representatives of the teachers union say off the record they are watching the Supreme Court case carefully.

posted by Byron Burnett
free lance writer for Reiters Group

Marilyn Monroe and Phoebe Killdeer sing the River of no Return

Marilyn Monroe and Phoebe Killdeer sing the River of no Return

edward w pritchard

Watching Marilyn Monroe sing in the movie and later Phoebe Killdeer sing the River of No Return on You Tube the sophisticated Gentleman must conclude who needs a normal girl. With age comes a taste for the dangerous, the irrational in a woman. Having never spoken to Phoebe,  merely having watched her performance as a singer it might be an act. With Marilyn one feels they know her intimately from her movies and later the sad end to her life.

Irrational Women; fascinating especially if observed merely from afar without the day to day mundane interactions demanded by real life.

Monday, June 18, 2012

jack the ripper's, comings and goings; hide in plain site

jack the ripper's, comings and goings; hide in plain site

edward w pritchard

It is one of our continuing fascinations with the past how Jack the Ripper was able to come and go undetected to and from his crime scenes back in crowded Whitechapel in Victorian London at the end of the nineteenth century. Many theories abound among Ripperologists to intrigue our curiosity including just plain luck. We wouldn't be so interested if Jack had been duly caught and executed for his heinous crimes.

Here's one more explanation from your author, a flight of fantasy of course so please don't take the game too seriously.

 Jack the ripper's, comings and goings; hide in plain site

At the sound of the shrill whistle Officer Murphy raced through the dark streets towards the thudding of a night stick. In his minds eye Murphy veteran cop saw another bloody pile of a woman crumpled against the side of a building at the far end of his beat here in Whitecastle. The Ripper must have claimed another victim and it was on his beat again. He would be subject to more criticism from his Captain.

Racing Murphy, heart pounding, for Officer Murphy was not young or svelte, he swerved to avoid a deformed handicapped man slowly limping toward him. Murphy just missed the old man in his haste and glanced with relief at an old woman watching the near collision through the curtains of her home a few yards to his right on the narrow street as he hurried toward the blasting police whistle.

The old man lowered his eyes away from the policeman as he slowly continued on away from his latest victim. Jack clutched his coat with his good hand to hide his bloody apron from the officer's eyes but once again he had passed through the streets of White Chaple unnoticed after one of his episodes. No one noticed a handicapped person in Victorian London.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Little Angie, precious maid part 5

Little Angie, precious maid part 5

edwardw pritchard

day 377

At the library I got a list of sex offenders published by the County prosecutors office  to track down suspects related to my daughters disappearance over one year ago.

There were three names on the list for our small township. I knew two of them. The first was Tommie Snyder. He was prosecuted for dating  the Jennings girl when she was fifteen and Tommie was 18. They are married now.

The second sex offender suspect everyone around here knew. Mr. Seaver the assistant boy scout master. He's in jail for the last two years.

I got arrested for harassing the third name on the sex offender list,Wendell Oliver. He lives in that big house that sits way back on Route 11, the alternate route 11 near Lake Berlin.  I pointed a rifle at Oliver.

I was represented at my hearing by Attorney Bill Aykes. I used to coach him in soccer. He represented me pro bono. A lot of people have been praying for me and I think God got me off the gun charges. We were in the Judge's office up in Ravenna and the lady prosecutor was forty minutes late for our meeting.  Bill and the Judge were talking about duck hunting while we waited for the prosecutor but the topic had been exhausted for twenty minutes and the Judge kept calling me Mr. Sheets and apologizing to me and my counsel about thirty times. Bill played it cool while the Judge got very angry. By chance another employee of the prosecutors office was in the Judge's outer office and the Judge went out there and threated. About ten minutes later the Lady prosecutor arrived, one hour late. She had forgotten our meeting. I got a sweet heart deal, suspended sentence and me and Bill got a personal apology from the Prosecutor.

It's over a year now and I have no leads on what happened to Angie. Richard Byers from the Gym is holding a fund raiser for me at the end of June. He helps someone every year and since I have quit my job to look full time for my missing eight year old daughter he thinks he can raise over two thousand dollars to help me in my search. I didn't know all that many people out here before my daughters disappeared but I have come to respect these Farmers out this way as a special breed of people.
end part 5

Little Angie, precious maid part 4

Little Angie, precious maid part 4

edward w pritchard

year four, day 202

It's been a long time since Angie's been gone.  My wife moved to Indiana. We don't talk much but we are still technically married I guess.

I have been out of work a long time. Bobbi Jentner Jr at the fire station suggested I pick up cans and trash as I roam the roads here in the twonship. The other day I walked all the way to the Boardman mall looking for Angie. Angie would be twelve now. I get about twenty dollars a day for the cans and bottles I bring in. I am not sure but I think the volonteer firemen are subsidizing me. The cans can't be worth that much.

I spend a lot of time camping out in the woods anymore. Over in Mentor they call me Johnnie Appleseed. I don't get up there much. Forty miles is a long way to walk. Once I tried to get all the way to Lake Erie. That trip I hitched part of the way.
end part 4

Little Angie, precious maid part 3

Little Angie, precious maid part 4

edward w pritchard

Day 84

Today was the first day back at school for the fall term. Angela disappeared on June 12. Miss Polis the second grade teacher had her class make us a card. Hank, the janitor who helped me coach soccer years ago brought the card by. He gave it to my wife. The consensus is she is doing better than me.

I hung the card back at the small barn. Each morning I go back to the small barn where Angela kept her ducks and her lamb and I have a large glass of the water from Mentner's Spring. It will be nice to look at the card from the second grade class at the grade school until I find Angie. The Miller boys bring me several cloudy plastic jugs of the Spring water each week from Mentner's. They have been helping me search around the area for Angie. I am nearly out of the Lithium water.

Today I started carrying a rifle as I walked the back tractor paths between the farms up near Buckley. The TV news said two coyotes were seen on route 45 by a beer truck driver. I recall that a few years ago a bear had wandered here into Eastern Ohio from Pennsylvania when the weather got cooler. With the packs of dogs and now coyotes and maybe a bear or two I thought I should carry a loaded rifle as I walk about looking for Angie.
end part 3

Little Angie, precious maid part 2

Little Angie, precious maid part 2

edward w pritchard

Day 4

My daughter Angela has been missing now for four days. I took a ten day leave from the Bank to continue to search for her.

I quit taking pills this morning. They are contributing to the panic I feel. Last night when I was talking to the two FBI agents about Angie's disappearance I was having delusional thoughts. Maybe from the pills, maybe from stress. I dreamed all night about Mentner's Spring.

Mentner's Spring is an old source of pure cold water. The pioneers who settled this area used the water for medicinal purposes. The Indians who were originally here said the waters of Mentner's spring cured what was called Melancholia. The water was sold commercially in the 1870's but later it was found to contain high levels of lithium. When my oldest son was a boy  him and his friends used to ride their bikes over to Mentner's and sneak into the Spring and pond and drink the water to get high .

This afternoon I spent four hours diving into the Spring and pond. I have terrible premonitions I will find Angela's limp body under the cold water. Two of the older Miller boys saw me and spent about an hour helping me. They rigged up a rope on two long boards and dragged the pond. They were very appropriate, solemn but resourceful in their work. There are a lot of good teenagers out here in our township. Their Mother is the branch manager of the bank over at Salem, Ohio. I called her and thanked her.

I slept on the floor in Angie's room again. My wife seems to be adapting a little. Tomorrow she goes back to work. I drank a lot of beer before bed. Hopefully it will help me sleep and stop some of the dreams.
part 2

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Little Angie, precious maid

Little Angie,  precious maid

edward w pritchard

Little Angie, precious maid has been gone three days. My life has ended meanwhile, routine obliterated searching inch by inch throughout unfamiliar roads five by five square miles  surrounding our property. Desperation has subsided for me having consulted with the highway patrol, local deputies and visited the feed mill, pizza shop and only bank branch seeking assistance to locate my seven year old daughter. Little Angie, precious maid where are you? Desperate I search.

end part 1

Friday, June 1, 2012

record low ten year bond yield today

record low ten year bond yield today

edward w pritchard

The ten year bond yield, the economic benchmark, is under 1.50 on wall street today. That's a significant indicator of deflation. Who would want to hold bonds at these levels? Unbelievable. Who thinks that these bonds will be worth anything in 2022?

Anyone without existing bonds in their portfolio loses a lot of money on paper on a day like today. Outrageous printing of money to continue. Meanwhile all asset classes plunge in value. At some point the citizens lose their ethical desire to fulfill past contractual obligations. Translation; more short sales in housing, less faith in government, more desperation in households.

Pray for our elected leaders to be granted wisdom and be unselfish and empathetic.