
Monday, August 31, 2015

stripped and abandoned

stripped and abandoned

edward w pritchard

Akron Police Department
Police Report

Subject states he was driving from Akron to Portage County after work at a downtown Bank as a Loan officer alone when proceeding East on Newton Street [ cross street Sobul] he heard a thump on the right side of vehicle while briefly stopped at road construction interruption and looking in the rear view mirror a large black man and two children were attempting to enter the rear of his vehicle through the sliding van door. Subject force-abally removed three occupants from vehicle and driving approximately 75 feet discovered another child of age four or five was still in the rear of his Van under the rear seats. Subject stopped vehicle in front of 2615 Newton set emergency brake and flashers and walked child home to 2603 Newton a duplex apartment where he left child with two social workers, [ Robert Hughes. Pinter Dawes] involved in a Home inspection, who answered the door and returned to his Van to proceed East on Newton.

Van was stripped of front seats, distributor and wires, and a few dollars of change from console. Subject claimed he had locked Van and set flashers. Five welders working at Goodyear Flash saw two or three City workers working on the Van, one noted the time as 5:37PM and recalled seeing a man walking a child from van two or three minutes earlier.

Van was covered with liability insurance only according to subject by Nationwide companies but the vehicle was towed to Police impound further up Newton Street and vehicle has since disappeared.

Upon further inspection the apartment at 2603 Newton has been vacant for several months and no Ohio registered social workers exist by the names of Hughes, or Pinter.

Dodge van in question was totaled out for $800 paid to subject and considered stripped and abandoned for insurance purposes.

Monday, August 24, 2015

your 401K

your 401K

edward w pritchard

You can't self manage your 401K to a secure and comfortable retirement. When American companies removed most middle income workers from the security of pensions the companies effectively took away the security and dignity for retired American workers in their old age.

No one is proficient enough with investments and the stock market to manage a portfolio over a working life time and avoid the periodic catastrophic substantial losses caused by the vagaries of the capitalist system.

Would senior bankers at the Federal reserve give up the security of their government pension and rely on their self investment expertise to manage their own 401K during their working lifetime?

If you don't have a decent defined benefit pension from a solid company on average expect to wind up in your old age mostly dependent on social security.

On average your various financial experience sharing friends of your youth will have abandon you and the various companies you worked for will have devised intricate systems to pay you no sums or benefits once you have stopped working.

Above average? Plan accordingly to avoid a miserly old age experience.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Just watching the stock market fall, fall, fall Re: kindred spirit

Just watching the stock market fall, fall, fall

Re: kindred spirit

Some of us watch the stock market fall with idle curiosity only.

edward w pritchard

Back in time to anywhere, to Vesuvius in 79 AD would go I.

Rocks crashing from above like gigantic bowling balls, stronger and fiercer than any cannons at Pickett's charge in the Civil War would annihilate persons, things and sacred institutions. Gaseous scalding winds of poisonous airs would surprise friend and foe.

Hopefully no children would be hurt during my imaginary sojourn back to Olde Vesuvius.

But it would be interesting to see if maybe a few others ran joyfully and manically about the narrow streets in the mayhem of change and destruction to the status quo of olde Pompey the day Vesuvius blew the lid off every day life in a little part of the ubiquitous Roman Way of life.

Perhaps I could meet a kindred spirit, anxious for a little change.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

it's the uncertainty that makes one alive

it's the uncertainty that makes one alive

edward w pritchard

Of all the creatures that live or breathe it's only people who contemplate their morality and reason for existing at all. With the fear of death and oblivion comes first attempts at philosophy and understanding; with the various fears of eternal ineffable non being come budding and blossoming appreciation of the cosmic process.

God is a distant workman tending to his sequences and simulations outside of Time. We, God's reminiscence are a flare of material energy quickly extinguished without explanation.

Listen anew to the distant music of the spheres. The song is gone before appreciated. Our energy efficiently recycled. Our self-ness never existed.

Monday, August 17, 2015

a mercenary is always a stranger

a mercenary is always a stranger

edward w pritchard

A mercenary is always a stranger,
a mercenary soldier never comes to the unit reunions ten years after all the battles are fought and finished,
a mercenary never stands at the grave sides of veteran comrades who survived half dozen battles but succumbed to dreaded diseases of life,
a mercenary doesn't subscribe to the units reunion newspaper,
a mercenary doesn't hum the unit's battle songs while they whittle on the porch,
a mercenary is a hireling,
a mercenary clutches to foreign lucre,
a mercenary is always a stranger.
a mercenary is not a comrade.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

football ain't what it used to be

football ain't what it used to be

edward w pritchard

Football ain't what it used to be now that professional football is played by three hundred pound men crashing about in hang gliders three hundred feet over local Nesbitt Lake and North and south up and down the shallow Ohio canal.

Rather than a game professional football has become an orchestrated spectacle of violence for the entertainment of the voyeuristic studio audiences performed en air by pampered millionaires for purpose of selling sad male viewers beer and automobiles each Sunday afternoon and Monday and Thursday night during the Fall season.

Football these days now being  performed in hang gliders doesn't bother me; it's just the evolution of sports brought about by technology and changing times here in America.

What I want to know is where will the Teams find Girls and gals with appropriate attitudes and philosophies to serve as Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders now that all the pretty girls have went off to four years of college to properly prepare for a career before settling down to home and family?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

760 full moons passed and now a glimmer of understanding

760 full moons passed and now a glimmer of understanding

edward w pritchard

Two nights ago the full moon woke me and my mind self focused suddenly for the first time in four or five decades. 63 years old, 760 full moons passed and gone for me in a blur since my unheralded birth and the Earth had nearly tripled in population of humans since I was born.

Today China, India and lots of other Countries critically depend on Western style growth to keep half their populations from slipping back, back into desperate, pitiful poverty. Meanwhile the aliments of western growth spread everywhere; abortion, divorce, bulging prisons, displaced individuals  and xenophobia at the borders.

Tonight as the full moon wanes, I fight the urge to go into the back yard with a shovel to dig a small garden to help the Earth support the 7.5 billion people who live near my modest Home who will wake up Hungry in a few hours.