woe to us bag holders
edward w pritchard
Horace the Roman said " anger is short madness. Today the bag holders that's us America citizens begin to understand that our economic system is a bit of a facade .
Yesterday someone or something manipulated a miraculous turn around in the stock markets. Will markets be orderly over the next few months? Horace the Roman again wrote " Nil Desperandum". That's don't despair. As the song writer W.C. Handy said '"I hate to see the evening sun go down."
Me who can only watch in confusion, it's all beyond my understanding at this point. Who can understand bit coins and the meta investments. I hope it doesn't hit my investments, that's a social security check each month. Seneca another Roman said " I was ship wrecked before I got aboard."
At times like these I pull out my copy of John Kenneth Galbraith's " the great crash [of} 1929" his little blue book about the October 1929 stock market crash that in about one month dropped the Times a convenient average of the general stock market back then 50% in four weeks. After, in the next month or two an investigation of how short sellers had wrecked the market was initiated and later shelved, to be looked at again during the prolonged great depression of the 1930's.
Too much manipulation into markets is dangerous and un-American. Should the government intervene in markets to keep the merry go round turning faster and faster. As another Roman said " No one should be the Judge in his own case". Or as anonymous said " the greatest griefs are those we cause our selves".
Admit it, aren't we all, us bag holders, a bit of a voyeur at such times? Didn't P.J. O'Rourke say " Eat the Rich"? Nil Desperandum.