a thank you for the Russians
Currently most Americans are down on the Russians. Let us go back to the 1860's with America in civil War and the two most powerful European powers, France and England considering supporting the South in the civil war. Enter the Russians who dock two fleets temporarily in American ports. Changing the balance of power internationally and allowing the two American sides in the conflict to proceed without foreign involvement ending slavery.
Currently Russia is the world's whipping boy for their actions in Ukraine. Maybe rightly so. However
my own County permanently has unclean hands for it's treatment of the Native Americans when America was conglomerating into a world power. Most countries of the world have similar pasts.
As author has written elsewhere The Pope, a Muslim caliphate and other religious leaders should be available and step forward willing to attempt to pause aggrandizement by strong men of the various world powers. Said world strong men often get into situations where they need to stop fighting with their armies but are afraid to loose face and because of time and circumstance innocent civilians die and their lives are ruined.
Mr. Putin stop the war in the Ukraine.