
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

God and Jesus

God, Jesus and those Guys

edward w pritchard

Can we know God? God, Jesus and those Guys?

Turns out God and Jesus and the other deities  are like celebrities. Once in a while they walk among us but then they have to split and go to all the important places they have to get to. Meanwhile we wait and wait assuming we can talk to God and the others whenever they show, feeling real close, good buddies.

Eventually you figure out that God, Jesus and those guys aren't knowable but  at the same time they are knowable, familiar to us somehow or other. Gods are like celebrities, they know us in principle, if they could they would pal around with us and explain things to us, but then they wouldn't be famous if they were with ordinary people like us. They need us bad though for we are their audience, their public, without us the Gods wouldn't be special, even with all the incredible things they are capable of. So we are kept on a string. Waiting, unsure but more hopeful than not that God is knowable to us.

So which is the case. Can you know God, Jesus and those guys or not. You have this incredible longing to reunite and get to know them but they are never there for you. You hear about them a lot and who they are and what they do is a couple levels above everything else we know but are they really our close buds?

Can we know or not know God.

Man they cast a long shadow. Their voice is just out of reach. Sometimes you can not quite hear the echo of God's voice.

Sunny skies and bright times God's whistles far off we hear on the wind.

God dances and creation starts.
God gives us the green green earth,
but it's not a cycle, over and over.
Just this once this all goes down,
so every one wants to be onstage with God
but then it's our end, time is run out.
Just before we have an insatiable longing to know God
over and over we call , Om , Om, Om
in a dream we see him move
then it's gone and we forget
nothing, voidless nothing

If God moves, can he suffer?
Sad if he did.

Was God here before himself?

Is everything a manifestation of one ultimate reality?

Om, Om, Om

God and Jesus

My Jesus is not a compilation

edward w pritchard

My Jesus is personal. Jesus is not a compilation of other people. He was born and sadly he died; to save us, you too, even you who believe Jesus was a compilation of several Roman persons and deities.

Get to know Jesus. He says something you need to hear.


edward w pritchard

Friday, October 7, 2011

Jesus raises the dead-reposted

Jesus raises the dead-reposted

edward w pritchard

Jesus always insists that I accompany him and assist when he raises the dead. That's more than OK with the other followers because it's an ordeal when someone who has been dead for a while is brought back to life. Only Jesus can manipulate death and it's trying and disconcerting to be around the recently brought back to life and it takes it's toll on all those present at the time.

All the disciples and followers of Jesus want to be present when Jesus restores a blind persons sight or cures someone of leprosy. It's theatrical with outpourings of praise and gratitude and large crowds quickly gather as word spreads of miraculous healing. Hero's we are as followers of Jesus then.

When a child is raised from the dead it's solemn and the gratitude of the families is subdued by the presence of death. Even after death leaves a small room an overpowering melancholy surrounds the gathered. The first look that is exchanged between the recently revived child and Jesus is haunting. It follows me in my dreams for months when I have been at Jesus' side as he brings a dead child back to life. Not the parent's immense gratitude can make me forget the scrutinization when a child looks at Jesus after first being raised from the dead.

Why none of the other disciples or followers will assist Jesus when he raises a person from the dead is because of the reaction of an old adult who has been brought back to life miraculously by Jesus of Nazareth. A husband or loving friend has begged Jesus to bring someone back to life. Their faith and hope in Jesus' ability to manipulate death is enormous and Jesus sometimes succumbs and performs a miracle. Jesus out of experience insists that no one else be present in the tomb when the miracle occurs. Except me. I am always present with Jesus when death is defied.

The miracle has occurred successfully and the dead have been brought back to life. This time it's an old woman whose husband couldn't go on without her. She was dead three hours according to the best Doctors here. Now she's alive.

It's so mournful the sound she makes as she sobs. I am holding her. There is something beyond sorrow in her quiet wailing. Jesus understands. He knows what she has seen and experienced and Jesus always collapses for a few moments when death has been beguiled.

I leave the tomb and go to find the husband. The husband rushes hopefully in anticipation. The crowd takes notice. Everyone wants to see what miracle Jesus has done today.

After the miracle of raising the dead Jesus prays and prays in solitude. I approach Jesus then but do not confront him preferring to meet him later at a more appropriate time and place.

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