
Monday, February 24, 2014

NSA prism program; I hide in plain sight from you

NSA prism program; I hide in plain sight from you

Edward w Pritchard

NSA, I hide in plain sight from you. I am flattered to hear you have been reading my " stories" and mining my data.

Since I do not use facebookings or twitterers I appreciate the extra effort your agents must take to find information on me. It is difficult I know for your agents to read these "convoluted ramblings" as my critics call my writing and I do not hold it against your people for not finishing reading the majority of my blogs, reading only until they get the gist of what is not being said in each posting.

As far as reporting and monitoring my whereabouts, as revealed by where I log into the Internet from or where my phone is, for national security reasons or selling such information at a profit to advertisers, profilers and the pervertedly curious; I am ashamed to report that I have become rather boring in my old age. I no longer frequent strip clubs, dive bars and seldom stay at gambling casinos for more than a few hours at a time and never all night.

Still I appreciate your including me as an important member of your Orwellian network and if I should ever join facebookings or another social network I understand that your information gathering efforts will become easier for you since those publicly traded companies voluntarily act as your middle man and are willing participants in your Orwellian activities.

Last and most important I am glad your prism people read my writing. I have so few readers, I am flattered by the attention. As for your staff not understanding what I mean when I write, don't criticize them, no one understands what I write. That's half the fun I believe.
Inspired by "Mother Jones" magazine;
rage against the machine

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