
Sunday, November 14, 2010

worry worry worry

worry worry worry

edward w pritchard

People change as they age and the great Sultan followed the normal pattern.

From age 14 to 40 for the Sultan it was all about procreation, and it's preparations. Staff at the harem elaborately planned, recruited and winnowed beautiful young women for each nights conquests. Nightly, three exquisite beauties were presented for the Sultan's perusal and the eventual conquest of the one chosen. Out of 9489 encounters, 602 offspring were born and the rooms of nurseries behind the harem became filled with children running and playing.

At the age of 40, unexpectedly and without precedent the Sultan began to worry over his children. All of the children were royalty and were well cared for. Just as some in the Harem worked in procurement, others worked as nurses and tutors to the children of the Sultan. The care and nurturing of the Royal offspring was a lucrative position to hold and those involved guarded their way of livelihood carefully. Additionally the Mother's of the boys, who still lived in the Harem, sought the Sultan's favor for the their son's. One male offspring would become the next sultan. Off course the girls were groomed for marriage, sometimes outside the Harem.

One night, just after his 40th birthday, following a night of restless dreams the Sultan began to worry over the health, prospects, safety, and futures of all 602 of his children. In time the worry become obsessive and pervaded the once happy atmosphere and routines of the harem and nurseries where the children lived and were attended to. At first the Sultan's ruminations were appreciated because new economic opportunities presented themselves caused by the Sultan's fears.

Eventually however, the Sultan's worrying over the fact that his children would someday suffer as they experienced aging, sickness and death outside the harem became intolerable. In time everyone came to abhor the Sultan for his meddling and weakness and one night the Sultan was mysteriously assassinated. The culprit was rumored to live inside the Harem itself.

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