
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mr Jones achieves and loses salvation

Mr Jones achieves and loses salvation

edward w pritchard

A sinner was Mr. Jones. Not the big sins, but purely technical ones, like smoking and drinking after work and on Sunday after noons, and swearing regularly. He never hit the children in anger and even Mrs. Jones who feared for his mortal soul called him a good man. Never the less for years it was a contention between Mrs. Jones and her husband that he needed to go to church and receive the Lord.

One day at work a large piece of metal fell from a crane and Mr. Jones was only not killed by sheer luck or miraculous divine intervention, which being unknown. Mr. Jones went home that Wednesday night and told his wife he was going to publicly confesses his sins at church this weekend. Mrs. Jones was very happy.

By Sunday Mrs. Jones was acting in a confusing fashion and was dragging her feet about getting ready for Church, which was usual for her. Her and the children were always prompt about getting to church. Of course, Mr. Jones was ready  for Church early him being motivated today and this being the first time he had went.

When Mr. Jones asked his wife if she was ready, when she obviously wasn't she picked a large fight and declared she wasn't going because of his attitude today. Although confused Mr. Jones went on to church alone, was properly saved and then returned home to share the good news with his wife, which he was sure would make her happy.

Mrs. Jones continued the fight with a vengeance and Mr. Jones was bewildered and confused by her attitude. Of course Mr. Jones loved and adored Mrs. Jones and about two o'clock that Sunday Mr. Jones had a few beers and a few cigarettes and decided he was no longer saved. By six o'clock Mrs. Jones had forgiven Mr. Jones and they had a nice family meal together.

Mr Jones never mentioned the incident again. He did ask his Mother about it once and although she hadn't heard the whole story she suggested that maybe with Mrs. Jones everything was personal. Mr. Jones' Mother herself  seemed to know about those type of things from personal experience.

That's pretty much the whole story of how Mr. Jones achieved and lost salvation in one day. A few of the details such as the large piece of metal falling from the crane may be slightly inaccurate but one thing is for sure. Old Mr. Jones loved her, at least he thought he did. However, sometimes he had a little trouble understanding those type of personal things.

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