
Friday, July 1, 2011

Come Jack, poor Jack part 13

Come Jack, poor Jack part 13

Fourth of July Readers- go back to original Come Jack, Poor Jack [ June 26, 2011] and start at beginning if you wish, and become a Ripperologist, Jack the Ripper killed and mutilated five women, sad; he was never caught let's figure out who he is: read on.
edward w pritchard

Jack the Ripper- hey, I like what I said about jack the Ripper and Hitler in part 11. Being around you has turned me into a philosopher. I just hope I don't quit being a man of action and become a thinker.You know some of my victims were very physical types. Sitting here now I am not sure why I did what I did. Sometimes it seems like a dream.

Author- more like a fantasy?

Jack the Ripper- well yes, I didn't know my victims for the most part but I had met them in my thoughts several times before our meeting.

Author- Did you stalk them before the day you murdered the first four victims, the one's you implied you didn't know?

Jack the Ripper- no, there was no need, I just needed a prostitute and there were many out and about in White Chapel. Money talks, they were always at risk so the commotion over my killing spree didn't deter them.

author - it was that easy

jack the ripper- heavens no, one of the prostitutes had a gun in her purse that she held in her hand when I gave her the money. She had been beaten and robbed before; that's one of those anecdotal stories I promised. I'll look foolish here but I just slithered off. She was just too much of a risk for me to go after.

author- yet most of the victims were over come quickly

Jack- I am very violent and savage

author- did you ever attack a man

jack- not in that fashion, I am interested in women

author- but not young pretty one's, most of you victims were older and unattractive

jack- Mary Kelly was 25, 5"7 blond blue eyes

Author- and you knew her before

Jack did I say that


jack- It's hard for me to think of poor Mary now. I left her such a mess. She lost face and all.

Author- you sound sorry

Jack- you are manipulating my words, i want to stop
end part 13

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