
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Marion Harris for the record

Marion Harris for the record

see Bessie Smith sang it second- previous post 

edward w pritchard

These girl singers today when they lose their looks have their money to fall back on. Well I just want to say wow, I have to be better than Bessie Smith to get a kind word said about me?

I wasn't born to a well to do family. This writer guy has that just plain wrong. Don't blame the writer guy though for that; I am a hard singer to research. My life was hard. Early success and then trouble, trouble with men and trouble with the studios and the record labels. It gave me the blues and caused my sadness. I know that that Bessie Smith had a hard life too. Try being a woman in 1920.

I tried to keep my problems to myself. What else do I have to say. Obviously this writer guy likes Bessie Smith, but I think my " After your Gone" is better. My advice to these young girls singers today. Record the standards while you have your voice and before they start to criticize your looks.

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