
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Divorce and Vampires

Divorce and Vampires

edward w pritchard

Alese's Husband, Kyle, a Doctor spent four years stealthfully planning to leave her in such a way that she would end up with nothing of the assets of the marriage. All the while unknown to Alese her husband the Doctor was carrying on with Diana his young receptionist. Skillfully Kyle and his lawyer transferred all the assets of the Practice, Kyle was a foot and ankle surgeon, to other associates in such a way that at the signing of the final divorce decree, Alese, wife of fourteen years got next to nothing of the economic benefits of the marriage.

Nine years later Alese received a call about twice per year from Kyle. Kyle would be sad, lonely and hopelessly wanting to speak to his friend, Alese.

Alese always told her confidants after one of the phone calls that Kyle was like a vampire. When things were going well, which was almost always the case, Kyle was like a vampire at midnight. Super strong, invincible and bullet proof.  However, sometimes, when Kyle was moved by loneliness to call his ex-wife Alese,  Kyle the capable Physician was like a stumbling vampire caught in the bright light of the middle of a sunny day, with a cross shining in his eyes and with a stake moving toward his heart. When Kyle was like that he always called Alese.

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