
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

disruptive students in the classroom

disruptive students in the classroom

edward w pritchard

Author is constantly vigilant of the possibility of our Country deteriorating into a police state in the name of law and order. Likewise author has witnessed first hand overly aggressive behavior by individual police and security officers toward the weak in Society.

However, in the School classroom, it is imperative that extreme disruptive behavior by emotionally charged students not be allowed to disrupt normal routines of classroom learning. One disruptive student can ruin the learning environment for an entire hallway at our schools for days at a time. In such situations order must be maintained by those in authority.

Perhaps the Parents of such disruptive students bear some responsibility and should be punished or reprimanded by the System. A fair hearing being first occurred.

Often in author's experience it is a kind but misguided attempt to mainstream struggling students who are temporarily unable to follow a regimen in a classroom who cause much of the problems of disruption in the classroom.

In this situation greatest good for the greatest number for the most part is proper policy for the School system to follow.

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