
Sunday, April 7, 2019

eleven invisible hands

eleven invisible hands

edward w pritchard

The  Walmart I patronize is poorly run. Bottlenecks occur routinely at the returns counter where the sole employee working must wait on six to ten mildly irate customers who in addition to returned merchandise for myriad reasons must also process utility bills which is why I was there and handle many other unusual problems without help or backup. Warren Buffet called it about Walmart- a better stock than retailer- when he sold a few billion dollars worth of his stock in 2016. Sadly it seems Wal Mart can not get proper employees for what they pay. Buyer beware.

It's the same with street repair and maintenance public employees workers where I live but for different reasons. Whatever the reasons the road repairs drag on forever while the workers stand around in little groups and talk.

The customers and consumers vote with their feet. It seems the eleven invisible hands that regulate relationships between customer, employee and owners are breaking down as the economy approaches full employment. Seller beware.

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