
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the fallen leader

the fallen leader

part 1

edward w pritchard

The back of his leg had began to itch when he was on the plane, but that was of little concern to Thu after the whirl of events of the last three days.

Thu was a high ranking official of the fallen party that had just fled his Country to America. The Americans had lost the prolonged skirmish in his Country and the final exit for Thu and the 500 or so officials was chaotic and terrifying. No one knew for sure who had gotten away; and the exit had involved machine gun fire, car chases and helicopter rides.

Now Thu was safely over the Oceans on a 747 headed for his new life in America. He began to relax. The American State department had arranged for him to start a new life in America, in New Worthington Ohio, and Thu was only four or five hours from American soil.

Thu closed his eyes,
end part 1

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