
Saturday, May 1, 2010

time passes/things change

time passes/things change

edward w pritchard

When I first learned to drive my car had a lot of problems but it had a nice radio. I didn't have money at home for records or albums so the radio was always important to me for I discovered 50's music and I was strongly influenced by the music of my teenage years growing up in America in the 1960's.

Sometimes while driving I would while spinning through the radio dial find one of about a dozen of my favorite songs. They were always coming from a station about 500 miles away and could only be heard while making careening left turns. For forty five seconds or so, until the static ate the music, life would be perfect.

Now nearly fourty years later the laptop computer my kids got me for my birthday has about every song from those years built into it's memory for my children are very capable and creative. With a click of a mouse I can hear any style of music I like or I can listen at my convenience to any one of those twelve original favorite songs or anything since that has taken it's place.

Not to be nostalgic but something is lost by having too many choices.

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