
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ashley and Blanche brief encounter

Ashley and Blanche brief encounter

edward w pritchard

This is intended as a scholarly review, critical examination  of Tennessee Williams and Margaret Mitchell's work. Comparison of characters.

Ms. Dubois I have brought you a cold drink.

Mr. Wilkes you certainty know how to woo a lady

Please call me Ashley

No I mustn't. Ashely reminds me of that horrible woman. I'll call you George.

I can't allow even you to say anything against Scarlett. It wasn't her it was me, I changed , it was the war, What it does to a man, it's always been that...

Oh George, or Ashley don't go on. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have our cold drinks on a veranda. I do miss Southern sensibilities.

[Him sadly], times have changed I am afraid. [remembering] we had several veranda's at twelve oaks. I can't quite remember how many.

Please Mr. Wilkes a lady needs a compliment now and then. Don't you have anything to say about my dress.

You look so lovely my dear. Like a flower, a Southern Tulip about to bloom

Bring me my valise, dear George Ashley, I have you a small gift, a token of our lost weekend

Don't say that Blanche, it's not just a weekend, it's significant. People have to help each other

Oh fiddlesticks, you men will say anything to sit with a beautiful woman.

Blanche I can't take my eyes off of you, but please don't say fiddlesticks, it reminds me..

No, don't say it, not her again, I swear Mr. Wilkes if you say that name I will run off and look for a stranger to have my drinks with.

Blanche, you and strangers, there are no strangers, just friends we haven't met yet

Mr. Wilkes you should be a writer, or are you just trying to get a lady into the bedroom

Sorry my dear, your beauty stuns but with the war and all,, I just need a little more [ um um] time, you see

Time is all we have anymore, Mr. Wilkes, come sit with me, a lady likes a man to be slow, it's the Southern way, recite me some more of your poetry

Poetry, I have no soul anymore to think poetry, is there Bourbon

Bourbon, yes but no cigars in the house Mr. Wilkes. Come read the paper. I like a man to think for both of us [ oops wrong lead female character]

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