
Thursday, August 25, 2011

genealogy-part 1


edward w pritchard

It was a mistake for me to start to research the genealogy of my last name on the Internet. It lead to me concluding there is no God, that since I didn't have any children then my existence was meaningless; and searching the Internet for my genealogy became an obsession with me. I had to understand my lineage going back hundreds and hundreds of years.

It started easy enough, research Robert Lowther my Father. His family had lived here in Wellsville Ohio for five generations. I believed the Lowther's originally came from Ireland. Mother's family would be problematic for Mother was born out of wedlock. It was a minor scandal,  that's what Mom told me; when I was thirteen and asked about her Father. From the family bible I found my Mother's Father's name was Justin Lowther of Calcutta [Oh]. My Mother and Father were second cousins. Things got complicated  in researching my family's genealogy after that. It lead me to obsessive research on DNA and it cost me my sanity and my secure place in my community and world to find out who I really was.

end part 1

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