
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tonight's London Weather, cloudy and damp with a chance of riots

Tonight's London Weather, cloudy and damp with a chance of riots

edward w pritchard

Yes, modern Banking started in Italy in the Renaissance, and capitalism in Amsterdam or was it ancient Babylon, but the Industrial revolution and modern capitalism began in London, it's  vicinity and about England.

Of all the techniques of modern capitalism for taming and controlling the forces of nature and God none so blatantly hubristic [ new word hubris, Greek excessive pride+ author's istic ending] as weather futures, a technique to hedge the effects of bad weather on a city or region.

I haven't checked lately but what might be the spreads [ bid versus asked] on weather futures in London with the recent rioting. Does rainy cold weather discourage riots or does hot weather increase property destruction. Could it be counter intuitive; if it's cold a nice fire, such as a car burning or a neighborhood business alight on a dark night to calm the soul in turmoil.

Someone will profit from weather futures in London for sure. The market always wins eventually, and it harms no one if a few profiteers make some money from everyone's terror and misery.

Tonight's London weather forecast, cloudy and damp with a chance of riots.

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