
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

main belt: two year job between Mars and Jupiter/ part 3

main belt: two year job between Mars and Jupiter/ part  3

edward w pritchard

It's not surprising that the new girl would be beautiful. She is a graduate of space engineering school at New York University; only the best, brightest and most beautiful if you are a woman get admitted.

What is surprising is that the my new ranking officer would be not just beautiful but would know all the Ray Bradbury Martian Chronicles Stories. My dad used to tell me those stories when I was a kid. Now I have a real advantage in courting Priscilla, the new space engineer. There are a lot of men up here between Mars and Jupiter in the main belt and since I plan to fall in Love with Priscilla it gives me an edge on the other guys here that her and I both know the Ray Bradbury Martian stories.

Since she is new I won't tell her that all of Bradbury's stories that I loved as a kid are a pile of crap. Mars is always the next best thing, always up and coming. I'll let Priscilla find that out for herself. For now I will tell her all the Bradbury stories I remember from my Dad's childhood. Before scientist really knew anything factual about Mars. Bradbury made Mars  a place for humans to escape to before they blew up the earth.

Well it's spring up here between Mars and Jupiter in the main belt where we destroy asteroids bound for Earth or other strategic places to humans. Spring means romance, even here in Space. While I wait to introduce you to Priscilla, here is a another story about romance on Mars in spring by the same Author as this story.

See below

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

spring on Jupiter and Mars

spring on Jupiter and Mars

see ten year sentence, Willie Tucker's blues 06/08/10 and Two minutes until I die march 2011 blog
edit and merge all

edward w pritchard

Subtle are seasons in space but with time us stationed there get into the rhythm of nature and are able to adapt to the faint differences between seasons on the various planets in the solar system. Over time as a veteran explorer of the inner planets of the solar system I was able to enjoy the particularities of spring on Jupiter and Mars.

Mars is cold and solid. Jupiter is a gaseous planet and there is lots of activity at the surface. From the moons of Jupiter, especially on Io the closest moon, spring is a welcome time near Jupiter.

I was stationed on Io as a space bulldozer driver when Spring effected me in year of 2034. As men are wont to do in spring, even in space, I met a girl that Spring on Io and my life changed because of it.

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