
Thursday, November 7, 2013

any one can break a stained glass window, but it's impossible to put back together

any one can break a stained glass window, but it's impossible to put back together

another metaphor about something or other

edward w pritchard

Any one can break a stained glass window, but it's impossible to put back together. Sharp shimmering shards of stiff broken glass are hard to reassemble and if the broken pieces and chunks of glass and sand can meticulously be rejoined the fissures are obviously visual and spoil the divine effect. Only a master craftsman can conceive and create a stained window to hang above and enclose a temporal  abode of God.

Sometimes an inspiring ethereal shimmering stained glass window is destroyed by war, earthquake, civil unrest or decay of the supporting structure. It's impossible to properly rejoin a stained glass window.

Another window must be conceived and created to repair a broken stained glass window; the theme of the original window may be honored by being recreate anew. Only a master craftsman can conceive and create a new stained window to hang above and enclose a divine abode of God.

God's brilliant light shines subtly in, out and through a recreated pilgrim's shining eyes revealing the eternal soul yearning to rejoin the divine cosmic entirety.

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