
Monday, December 30, 2013

Janet Yellen, stern lady of finance

Janet Yellen, stern lady of finance

edward w Pritchard

By May  2014 inflation will be flying and Janet Yellen a nice girl from Brooklyn will have to change her stripes and become the stern lady of finance for America. Some-one has to do it and if she is confirmed by the Senate as head of the Federal Reserve next week the job will fall to her.

Austerity and sacrifice will become the order of the day. No more buying twenty dollars of lottery tickets each morning for senior citizens, no $95.00 Kobe beef hamburgers for New Yorkers, and no more Hawaiian vacations for the first family. I'll have to stop riding from Goodwill store to Goodwill store all day looking for bargains on clothes and books.

First will be a few secret meetings with British bankers, meetings without anyone from Solomon brothers invited. Then one day in early May 2014 the stock market will stop soaring and plunge a thousand points and a few days later Ms. Yellen will announce the new austerity plan. She will mean it and we will all know she means business. America will be put on a fiscal diet.

We still have four more months of high times. Spend twenty dollars a day on lottery tickets, drop one hundred eighty dollars a ticket to watch LeBron James play and offer baseball player Chin Soo Choo another 150 million dollar contract.

Austerity and sacrifice is coming soon to America. One day in May 2014 it will happen, the Fed will tighten for real and mean to continue and America will go on a strict fiscal diet until the end of President Obama's term.

 Meantime buy speculative Chinese ADR's and stocks like VISN and watch the price of a barrel of oil soar forty dollars a barrel.  Listen in a few hours, later today, to a commentator on CNN talk about 20,000 Dow this year.

Grumpy Aunt Janet will spoil the party soon. Act accordingly.

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