
Friday, April 9, 2010

The Piano goes to america part 4

The Piano goes to america part 4

edward w pritchard

Olivia had slept on the canal boat. The boat was parked just past the lock and they had unloaded the piano and it was bound by wagon for the farm. Olivia liked the piano very much but she refused to forgive her husband and she refused to stay in the hotel where he had arranged to surprise her with a fine meal and then show her the expensive piano. She was still angry because he had mislead her about coming to Ohio to work with the Indians and he was becoming enamored with things, furniture and expensive farms and lucrative salaries and he had forgotten their ideals.

The husband was sleeping alone in the expensive hotel room. He awoke and was desperate to reconcile with his wife.

Olivia awoke out under the star filled sky on the canal boat. It was very cold and damp. She was sleeping alone on the deck for the crew was off the boat. She went below deck and got two of the blankets that had been in the piano bench. They were gifts from ladies in Dover, Ohio to welcome them to the new farm. Her husband had brought them last night to show her they were honored here and to try to make her forgive him. She wrapped up in both blankets which were hand sewn and signed by the ladies who made them. They were exquisitely made and warm.

About an hour later she awoke to more Indians walking north toward Akron. They would be like the others going to the old east west road to leave this area and resettle west, far west of here. The Indians, two women with the four men were very short and looked tired. Olivia took the blankets and gave one to each woman who tried to refuse but she kept giving them until they accepted and they walked off North east into the early morning sunrise. She decided to forgive her husband.

About ten minutes later she saw a bouncing light coming toward her on the trail. She knew it was her husband balancing a light, a glass of juice or water and a plate with her breakfast on it.

End part 4

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