
Friday, October 15, 2010

those new york bankers again

those new york bankers again

edward w pritchard

Ever notice how when humans start thinking they are God, they soon take a long fall? Like Lucifer in John Milton. Even after their fall they are so incredulous. Without remorse, after their fall they use management by objective to plan their next caper.

We are partly to blame for their arrogance for we must have someone who we think knows what the heck is going on. With the economy, and with the unseen forces and invisible whirlwinds that fan our fears. Hence the New York Banker is raised to heights no man can navigate. He falls with a thud.

It's not surprising but it's so predictable. Sometimes my skepticism chokes myself. Why am I unable to join them. I guess deep down I find existence of God's good; here and now. They don't, maybe, and without God and his morale dictates, anything, no matter the depravity is possible.

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