
Thursday, December 29, 2016

it's the system, it's the system

it's the system, it's the system

edward w pritchard

It's the system, it's the system, the last six words from the lips of that old misanthrope myself as he passed from this domain were a continuing diatribe on the exploitation embedded in the American Capitalistic system. Throw me in the ground to shut him up, undertakers, insurance men, medical billing folks, hospital personnel, probate court referee's and a host of others have to make a living too.

There is an insidious sadness built into the invisible hidden structure of the American Capitalistic

How do I know?  Why can I understand what other won't mention?

I took the bus to work for two days. Getting up at 6 AM I rode the bus to work. it's the system, it's the system. Capitalism has an insidious sadness, seldom mention, but always apparent.

One very overweight young Woman hopping off the dark 6 AM bus at the Mc Donald's for some mcbreakfast before starting her eight hours on her feet as the cashier at the nearby dollar store.

Take the bus one day to work.

See the dark side of the American way of life. That's about it. Just him singing off key in the old wilderness while the wheels of the system squeak and grind along. Meanwhile the downtown bus number 19 takes it's 96,432 journey from my neighborhood to downtown and back since I was a student learning about the invisible hand of  capitalism back in college.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

substitution immersion therapy

substitution immersion therapy

edward w pritchard

Financial problems or rather my dread at the prospect of tomorrow's arriving  lead me to entering the latest fad in psychology substitution immersion therapy administered with a licensed artificial intelligence smart machine GHE Freud 107. A generation ten physician, psychiatrist, and generation five psychologist. I took 75 gg's Prosaic [T] to hyper stimulate the flight from the reality of my "real life" problems and existence. For the setting of my immersion I spent 26 pre-weeks stage 1A as a slave in American 1840's South Carolina followed by 30 weeks as an adult conscript soldier in Robert E Lee's army of Virginia American civil War 1862 boundary spacial within 60 miles of Richmond Virginia Summer 1862 And 63. With primary emphasis on the seven days battles offensive stage Confederate armies struggle for Richmond.

I had several survey history classes as a sophomore in college and had seen the Ken Burns Civil War series on the television but my un-usually high adoption to the substitution immersion was [generally] attributed to  Prosaic [T] as I did not bond well with GHE Freud 107 at a personal level, due to my stubborn streak I suppose [ha ha], but my experience has become here in my old age the text book case human/artificial intelligence directed substitution  therapy. I receive over 2800 units quarter dollars each month residual royalties from book reviews and news commentary from that one year of my life which supports me here in my waning years.

I don't consider myself a typical soldier based on the substitution immersion therapy military experience in my youth. I am not jingoistic foreign immigrates nor do I oppose or support gun control as member NRA. Like most ex soldiers my philosophy of the worth and value of  youth time spent in combat has changed with age.  

Thursday, December 22, 2016



edward w pritchard

13.7 billion years ago to the day,
so certain are we of the date,
we enshrine it in our memories.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

the toleration of tao

the toleration of tao

edward w pritchard

Often I like the music although I don't accept philosophically the message contained in the lyrics. To enjoy a moment enmeshed in an interesting tune is one of life's minor enjoyments.

What I mean though about I don't accept the message is sometimes other folks religions and customs seem preposterous to me. Still the sentiment is beautiful at a certain level.

I try to stay busy with my own activities and concerns without having to stay attuned to the comings and goings of my neighbors opinions and beliefs.

To avoid unnecessary anxiety about the future which will come I no longer fret over the relationship between 10 year bond yield and stock prices, China's lack of offshore Islands, or which part of the World calls God by which particular name and attributes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

the tower of babel

the tower of babel

edward w pritchard

Just like that everyone came to be unable to understand the language of everyone else because everyone began to talk in a very thick obtuse accent of maybe the distant accent of their original ancestors. Some people, only a few worried that no one could talk to God, but most folks were terrified that they would be connected to no one if they couldn't understand their words.

In that state of affairs where no one could understand the language of no one else, the first guy who surmised that no one could understand anyone because of them talking in the very thick obtuse accents, of maybe their distant original ancestors, passes by on the path of life this guy mumbling over and over in a very clear voice and diction like a trained Shakespearean actor, " Winslow, winslow, winslow, over and over maybe ten times in a row, as he, the second guy in the story walked
by the first guy in the story, the hero, [ the first guy] who figured out the " tower of babel" situation, then the first guy, the hero surmised instantly that the second guy was mumbling Winslow, over and over because it was the second guy's little daughter and if he didn't repeat her name over and over as he walked she would disappear.
then after the second guy is a few steps beyond and behind the first guy, the first guy, the hero, worries, in his head, that the second guy's winslow maybe wasn't his little daughter, but a place, like in Arizona, or a girl type friend the second guy used to know.
-abrupt- Ending of story

Saturday, December 3, 2016

man as antagonist

man as antagonist

edward w pritchard

New times, old times, the election is over, the new emperor is dashing around singing " everything is update in Kansas City", dancing the new-fangled two step as the Plutocracy changes everything for the better of the comfortably super rich. The rest of us be damned.

I am feeling like an antagonist again. Outnumbered and longing to disappear for a few decades maybe into the past of old Dodge City, Kansas rather than live in the present in Kansas City where they have gone about as far as they can go.

Friday, December 2, 2016

salvation through revelation

salvation through revelation

edward w pritchard

You have to be alive to stage a comeback.[1]

Lift your wings and fly wayward angel though both feet by studied gravity remain firmly on the ground and lift noble voice in prayer into layered atmospheric sky and space though through disuse childhood innocense is lost in Babylonian codes of insidious overwhelming routine.

Remodel a stable in the woods to a chapel for forgotten man who expired on two planked simple wooden cross though a compilation of earlier fears of ancestors and delusional cranks.

Revelation is within you. Whisper forgotten incantations to imaginary beings crushed together by colliding galaxies, dark holes and super nova's. They still hear you over the utter silence of non being.

 Complete the circle, you have to be alive to stage a comeback.

[1] author is quoting himself, from elsewhere in his writings

Thursday, December 1, 2016

ashamed of us

ashamed of us

edward w pritchard

You who once were truly beautiful inside and out come with familiarity to be the object of someone's shame. Your crime being only speaking and acting your mind, the truth as you experience it and for expediency's sake trudging on for children, King and Country, or reality as perceived by you alone.

Beautiful people. When we first speak our point of view we come to be criticized and when we act our convictions we become someone's object of shame, not always in secret abeyance.

Continue your journey, finish your quest. Alone in a crowd too busy to compromise and too full of life to work at fitting in to values that no longer work.

What a bore is a secret condemnation unread by any court and spoken only in bursts of white anger.

Bourgeoisie values