
Friday, August 5, 2016

Amanda Peterson, the discombobulation of one's self

Amanda Peterson, the discombobulation of one's self

edward w pritchard

Next time please stay in the sunlight Amanda Peterson. It's so sad that all those dark things had to happen to you.

I just found out that you have passed and that the image you played in " can't buy me love" wasn't all there was to you. I always liked that movie, a light romantic comedy. Why do us, the audience, always fall for it every time?  It being that movies, the stage and that everyone's life we don't really know is just an illusion.

So now you are gone Amanda. It's so sad all those dark things had to happen to you. If you can read wherever you are at now here's something I wrote about the discombobulation of one's self. Maybe you can reap some comfort, but is there more Amanda?

MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014

a sense of belonging; I am he but there is no me/ part 2

a sense of belonging; I am he but there is no me/ part 2

Edward w Pritchard

David Hume says that there is no me, it's just a collection of properties. Eye brows, toe nails and memories of the time I got robbed at gunpoint. Some Buddhists agree with Hume for other reasons; there is no self.

We discussed the ship of Theseus, the Ancient Greek idea that if a ship is totally reconstructed with new materials is it the same ship?

Ego, famous people have 1000 pictures of themselves over a life time on Google images but they are not them.

Go to the art museum and look at the Greek vase with the painted soldiers on the side. The vase is 2500 years old. Is the picture of the soldier- himself?

Let go your ego and sense of self and you are on the path to enlightenment say the Buddhists.

Can you forgo your sense of self? If there is no self how can there be souls?

If there is no self and no soul what is there?

Metaphysical speculation. Is a person and an apple both just a collection of properties that came together and are gone?

The ancient Egyptians thought a person was made up of five properties. Two physical, the name and shadow and three invisible properties, the Ka- the life force, the ba, the personality, and akh, the spirit. The Egyptians believed in an after life and spent considerable effort to prepare for it.

Atheism and metaphysical speculation; is a person and an apple both just a collection of properties that came together and are soon gone?

I don't know but I suspect there is more.