
Thursday, March 26, 2015

crazy horse/ as revised

crazy horse/ as revised

Edward w Pritchard

At times like these everyone secretly has a place inside themselves where they feel they will go a little crazy from the stress and fuss of life. We can learn a lot from horses at such times.

Eat when hungry, enjoy cool water, run and jump a little rain or shine, forget most of the past and expect a good day today. That's the life of a horse. Some horses are more crazy than others true, but as long as a horse sticks to the routine he is just a horse. A horse is a horse. Cold or wet, windy or a bit forlorn a horse muddles on.

Are we any different or better than a horse really?

Someone in the Middle east is bombing someone this morning; both sides have good motives.

Ambitious people everywhere got up early today to plan how to raise taxes, fees and value added expenses so ordinary people like themselves can become enriched and become a somebody.

 High achievers today working in the public school system are touting advanced college educations financed by exorbitant student loan debt as the American panacea to the "Good" life.

Meanwhile the prisons are overflowing with young Men who decided to drop out for a while behind bars in a small cell which is a socially acceptable way to pass the time for their class.

Old people drop out at the casino or for high achievers, at the gym while waiting for the next President to show them what to live for.

Wherefore are you the American Dream?

Who can afford the new cars, big houses and advanced College degrees that keep the American merry go round turning faster and faster each year? Must be the good folks living in Connecticut and Colorado, they are  all above average we hear.

Many ordinary people are a bit anxious and a tad forlorn this morning.

Muddle on, stick to your schedule. A horse is a horse they say.

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