
Sunday, October 1, 2017

self seeking infighting

self seeking infighting

edward w pritchard

Our leaders' self seeking infighting has become absurd to observe. So virtuous, so self righteous. Over and over so self satisfied they go on about their way picking the public's purse and pockets until they are showered with filthy lucre bribes to resign and move on so another generation of miscreants can take their place in the political arena behind a facade of ancient obsolete laws and traditions.

Drowning in a sea of personal debt from conspicuous consumption the young are strangely silent to the whole mess. Mesmerized in their latest hand held electronic devices they text and whisper to save a few bit coins on the latest generation of pizza pies and flavored coffees.

Each time a savior on a white horses arrives its the same old letdown from the left or right. Patriotism and propaganda. Lies and damn lies. Rich man, brilliant woman, all succumb to the lure of personal fame, glory and the book deal that will follow a short career in politics.

Fatigue and disillusionment all over again. I have lost my faith in our benevolent leaders.

Put me on a train traveling from great museum to great museum to see the paintings. Like an ancient Chinese scholar I sit and watch for the rebound.

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