
Thursday, August 23, 2018

walk with your head bowed America

walk with your head bowed America

edward w pritchard

Union General John Sedwick was working with his men on a skirmish line just prior to the battle of Spotsylvania during the American civil war as Confederate marksmen began firing from about a thousand yards away with a new style rifle when suddenly the rank and file soldiers quickly dove for covering interrupting the pre-battle preparations. Chiding the men for cowardice, General Sedwick remarked" they couldn't hit an elephant at this range" as he promptly fell dead from a bullet under his eye. Sedwick the popular, competent Union General had died pre-maturely.

Walk with your head bowed arrogant America so many people far away still don't like us. Why are our leaders so arrogant? Don't be truculent, wait-wait the battle will come to you in God's proper time.

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