
Sunday, August 2, 2015

760 full moons passed and now a glimmer of understanding

760 full moons passed and now a glimmer of understanding

edward w pritchard

Two nights ago the full moon woke me and my mind self focused suddenly for the first time in four or five decades. 63 years old, 760 full moons passed and gone for me in a blur since my unheralded birth and the Earth had nearly tripled in population of humans since I was born.

Today China, India and lots of other Countries critically depend on Western style growth to keep half their populations from slipping back, back into desperate, pitiful poverty. Meanwhile the aliments of western growth spread everywhere; abortion, divorce, bulging prisons, displaced individuals  and xenophobia at the borders.

Tonight as the full moon wanes, I fight the urge to go into the back yard with a shovel to dig a small garden to help the Earth support the 7.5 billion people who live near my modest Home who will wake up Hungry in a few hours.

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