
Sunday, October 16, 2016

them crocodiles

them crocodiles

edward w pritchard

We've come to find out them crocodiles are dangerous lurking just under the water with deathful eyes. Don't put your hand down to rub their back to find out what the skin feels like they can take off your whole arm. As they rip at you, you come to realize it's just another meal for them nothing personal. Hopefully your friends and family won't take long spears and try to kill every gator both ways up the river for a couple of miles until the Holy man says we are upsetting the balance of nature.

Them crocodoodles don't just swim underwater. Sometimes they evolve and live in town lurkin about. They be lazy when it's cold but explosively crocks can leave the water seeking prey. Twisting, twisting them crocodlies, always watching, waiting for their next meal.

Them crocodiles they are something else. Always the instigators.

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