
Thursday, March 29, 2018

it's all so pre-programmed

it's all so pre-programmed

edward w pritchard

Squirming in our seat so to speak after a long life the five act play of life that we are engulfed in becomes obviously so pre-programmed that we out of boredom at times wait and watch with authentic interest for one of the actors to move suddenly backward across the stage in large circles speaking his part in rewind backward gibberish at triple speed as the other veteran actors that fill the stage cover cleverly and professionally their fellow thespians temporary meltdown.

Who the master programmer and how the intricacies of design that put this all together? The play of life goes on and on approaching finis the final curtain call.

These intricacies of design are beyond comprehension to me. I remember I started as a child so long ago and now I doodle about the stage dusting furniture and props fighting the urge to peer across house lights at the audience.

a large crash and a mumbled voice is heard stage right

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