Dante is unapproachable to me
edward w pritchard
Nessum maggior dolore che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria. [There is no greater pain than to recall a happier time in misery.] Such is my reflection of my trip to Dante's intimate chapel in Florence.
Alas I cannot maintain sadness of the past anymore. Instead I will wonder what happen to the ten missing Botticelli's drawings of the original 100 plus drawing of Dante and Virgil's descent through Hell.
Seven of Botticelli's drawings are in the Vatican Library and that is appropriate. Sadly others are in a museum in Berlin that weren't confiscated as penalty for foul deeds after WW2.
Botticelli's drawing of Dante's Comedia are a masterpiece.
Myself sitting in the solemnity of Dante's chapel in Florence 20 + years ago seeing the future I realized Hell is a personal realization of the unsaid.
Still I acknowledge that Dante's and Bocassio's masterworks are among the World's greatest art.
Dante's Hell is unapproachable to me. Hell hath no exit for he who mourns.