
Thursday, January 14, 2010

reunion with God

reunion with God

edward w pritchard

I yearn for reunion with God but cannot find him.
So I make myself bigger, and I am mankind, all 6 billion of us.
I have sense and sensibility
But I cannot taste touch or feel God and my senses doubt he is there, and I cannot find him.
Intellectually, I contemplate, abstract and conceptualize God
But I cannot find him, so I make myself bigger.

I am Earth, and all things on it, and I am will
That will started with me as a rock in space with the incredible will to grow
I pulled other rocks and debris and eventually the pieces became part of me
and I grew large and hot and transformed
and each thing material or life had will and we grew, but as one.
and we are whole but we can not find God, so I grow bigger

I am a galaxy, and physical laws and light and movement
and everything in me races and spins
and collides, and aggregates, and is spectacular
but I cannot find God, so I grow bigger

I am the entire universe,
I stop, start and grow many times
but I yearn for reunion with God
But I cannot find him, so I make myself smaller

I am a quark
and I am impossibility, I die sometimes before I exist
and I am simultaneous
and I am right but cannot find left
So I long for God, but cannot find him so I make myself bigger

So I am myself
and I sleep to search for God
but my senses interrupt and do not allow me to control my dreams
and then, I think, and am outside of time, and I think of God
but my senses interrupt, and I die
and yearn for reunion with God

And I am a rock in space and I long to aggregate to search for God

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