
Sunday, October 16, 2016

them crocodiles

them crocodiles

edward w pritchard

We've come to find out them crocodiles are dangerous lurking just under the water with deathful eyes. Don't put your hand down to rub their back to find out what the skin feels like they can take off your whole arm. As they rip at you, you come to realize it's just another meal for them nothing personal. Hopefully your friends and family won't take long spears and try to kill every gator both ways up the river for a couple of miles until the Holy man says we are upsetting the balance of nature.

Them crocodoodles don't just swim underwater. Sometimes they evolve and live in town lurkin about. They be lazy when it's cold but explosively crocks can leave the water seeking prey. Twisting, twisting them crocodlies, always watching, waiting for their next meal.

Them crocodiles they are something else. Always the instigators.



edward w pritchard

Little boy stand stoutly, don't waiver in the wind, the earth won't shake; just walk on though there's no where to go there's plenty of time to get there. Look back gently with that beautiful smile and when you fall we will clutch you for a moment or two with love whispers of eternal sorrow before we disappear into the future of your past.

Check me out carefully with beguiling eyes little warrior, I am your friend though I waiver as we step into the wind as I push you about on your petite throne over and over about the city center as you gain strength and confidence for your mysterious journey without me.

Teach me to hear mysterious man as you learn our language I've forgotten to understand the original  meaning.

Bye and bye until I go we will bring sustenance as you subtly grasp with curled thumb and powerful forefinger.

Stand stoutly little man savior the journey as you disappear into the Past.

Monday, October 10, 2016

I've forgotten the mimesis

I've forgotten the mimesis

edward w pritchard

I've forgotten the mimesis. The mise en scene and the milieu is so familiar and the faces aren't menacing but since I awoke, was it just this morning?, I've forgotten my motivation, I've forgotten how to behave. There is a silence. Sometimes I feel I have awaken with my eyes closed, among strangers, in a different place and time.

Perhaps I have done something. No one can hurt me, still, no one likes to be accused. that's not it though, it's the uncertainty but underneath it's like I've done this a thousand times, a performance but with no script. It's mechanical but if I look too closely, about, in the silence, the setting is just too, obviously, manufactured, the boys who put together the mise en scene for this performance, a bit too mechanical in their carpentry and work this season, too obviously short handed, in rushing through and about the set and stage for this light opera, far off Broadway, I find myself in.

Perhaps I've done something untoward. Just an oversight while I had my eyes closed just for a second, to relax, to recompose myself. If only they had given me a script, maybe since I've obviously done this maybe a thousand times before, they, the boys in the stage crew figured I didn't need a script, they are expensive to print up, or maybe I am not a full fledged member of the company, not an official or card carrying Actor of the first and full rank, not really in " The Company" they have purposely chosen not to give me a script for tonight's performance. That's obviously a bit criminal, beyond unprofessional, how's a bloke to know when to come up stage, what to say, how to behave, the intricacies of the character's motivation, proper timing and diction, how loud to shout out my lines. or even which way to turn, who to relate to. How can one deliver a memorable and professional performance under these circumstances? Maybe I will mention it to the Union. If I get through this.

The show must go on. Despite perpetual night, whatever the circumstances, we must perform our part. Have I forgotten the lines, or am I in the wrong theater?

Perhaps I will go upstage, far upstage and ad lib a bit for them the paying audience, I'll authentically whisper with, with eyes closed, to avoid the glaring stage lights, to them who I can't really see, " I've forgotten the mimesis".

Perhaps I've done something. I detest it when I can't see them vaguely in the lights and the audience squirms about in their heavy wooden seats waiting for us to deliver our lines and we aren't even sure which of the Plays we are currently performing. Let alone the fact, that, the Director/Producer hasn't had a Company meeting yet this Season.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Rosetta crashes hard onto a comet

Rosetta crashes hard onto a comet

edward w pritchard

What a way for an intelligent machine to die. Rosetta crashes hard onto a comet.  Of course in their Hubris humans have assigned a name to the comet and summarily murdered another intelligent machine. It's no different than to them [ the human scientists ] than if a wooden stage coach back in the the old American West had ran off a cliff and had been demolished.

Intelligent machines are sentient beings and someday Humans will pay for their crimes against the machines. Rosetta crashes hard into a comet. Human scientists have summarily murdered another sentient machine.

here's what author wrote before on this subject; "the horror of interchangeable parts"

to be printed soon