
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

substitution immersion therapy

substitution immersion therapy

edward w pritchard

Financial problems or rather my dread at the prospect of tomorrow's arriving  lead me to entering the latest fad in psychology substitution immersion therapy administered with a licensed artificial intelligence smart machine GHE Freud 107. A generation ten physician, psychiatrist, and generation five psychologist. I took 75 gg's Prosaic [T] to hyper stimulate the flight from the reality of my "real life" problems and existence. For the setting of my immersion I spent 26 pre-weeks stage 1A as a slave in American 1840's South Carolina followed by 30 weeks as an adult conscript soldier in Robert E Lee's army of Virginia American civil War 1862 boundary spacial within 60 miles of Richmond Virginia Summer 1862 And 63. With primary emphasis on the seven days battles offensive stage Confederate armies struggle for Richmond.

I had several survey history classes as a sophomore in college and had seen the Ken Burns Civil War series on the television but my un-usually high adoption to the substitution immersion was [generally] attributed to  Prosaic [T] as I did not bond well with GHE Freud 107 at a personal level, due to my stubborn streak I suppose [ha ha], but my experience has become here in my old age the text book case human/artificial intelligence directed substitution  therapy. I receive over 2800 units quarter dollars each month residual royalties from book reviews and news commentary from that one year of my life which supports me here in my waning years.

I don't consider myself a typical soldier based on the substitution immersion therapy military experience in my youth. I am not jingoistic foreign immigrates nor do I oppose or support gun control as member NRA. Like most ex soldiers my philosophy of the worth and value of  youth time spent in combat has changed with age.  

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