
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

the tower of babel

the tower of babel

edward w pritchard

Just like that everyone came to be unable to understand the language of everyone else because everyone began to talk in a very thick obtuse accent of maybe the distant accent of their original ancestors. Some people, only a few worried that no one could talk to God, but most folks were terrified that they would be connected to no one if they couldn't understand their words.

In that state of affairs where no one could understand the language of no one else, the first guy who surmised that no one could understand anyone because of them talking in the very thick obtuse accents, of maybe their distant original ancestors, passes by on the path of life this guy mumbling over and over in a very clear voice and diction like a trained Shakespearean actor, " Winslow, winslow, winslow, over and over maybe ten times in a row, as he, the second guy in the story walked
by the first guy in the story, the hero, [ the first guy] who figured out the " tower of babel" situation, then the first guy, the hero surmised instantly that the second guy was mumbling Winslow, over and over because it was the second guy's little daughter and if he didn't repeat her name over and over as he walked she would disappear.
then after the second guy is a few steps beyond and behind the first guy, the first guy, the hero, worries, in his head, that the second guy's winslow maybe wasn't his little daughter, but a place, like in Arizona, or a girl type friend the second guy used to know.
-abrupt- Ending of story

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