
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

most jobs are pretty much the same

most jobs are pretty much the same 


edward w pritchard

Most jobs are pretty much the same. Watching Jose Altuve the second baseman of the Houston Astros in the baseball playoffs as he made a rare error as a sharply hit ball to him took an unexpected bad balance I got the no one wants to work anymore blues. Despite Altuve's dependability and expertise at batting and baseball he was much criticized for a rare error. 

Work twelve years on the second shift and get a customer complaint and the owner is ready to fire you cause you make more per hour than his accountant says is ideal for a worker of your background. 

It's nice that old Altuve is a rare millionaire who must still work for a living.  I myself get very tired of hearing small business owners complain that no one wants to work. Americans will work if the pay and the work environment is suitable to them. Otherwise they will do with less for the time being let the global economy be damned.  

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