
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Retiring School Teacher

The Retiring Teacher

edward w pritchard

French playwright Octave Mirbeau had guests in his Paris apartment. Tonight, in April 1903, they were celebrating the successful production of his contentious play "Business is Business". The play was not without controversy. Octave Mirbeau although famous throughout France as a playwright and art critic was an anarchist. Parisian society loved a controversy and no matter that most of the avant guarde didn't want to know what an anarchist believed or thought; tonight his after theater party to honor the play was the most sought after location to be at in all of Paris. The food was gourmet, the wine was always excellent, the absinthe was stultifying, and the company was eclectic. Over 40 people already filled the small apartment waiting to talk to Monsieur Mirbeau.

If he could Mirbeau would throw all his guests out of his apartment, despite the preparation and great expense of the party. He wished to see none of the rich and famous of Paris society. He only wanted to spend a few moments with the elderly retiring Dutch school teacher brought to Paris by her son. The teacher was in Paris to celebrate her retiring from school teaching after 44 years service. At the theater tonight a friend of a friend had introduced the shy elderly lady to Mirbeau the famous playwright. He couldn't spend time with her at the theater because of the hub bub of the standing ovations, hangersons and acclaim.

Now, Mirbeau desperately searched the apartment for the school teacher or even her son. After about an hour without any sign of the teacher Mirbeau went into his study, ushered out the guests in the room and stared at the picture Starry Night he had acquired a few years ago for 300 francs painted by a then obscure dead painter Vincent Van Gogh . It was his favorite painting from his collection of impressionism masterpieces.

After about 15 minutes Mirbeau began to feel calm and was about to return to his party when there was a meek knock at the door. It was the elderly school teacher from Groot-Zundert, Holland who had been the grade school teacher of Vincent Van Gogh. She was soft spoken and a little prematurely aged for 63.

He fawned on her with refreshments and food and then begged her if he could ask a few questions. The school teacher was a little overwhelmed for at the theater earlier over 200 people had stood in line for a moment of Mirbeau's time tonight. Now, At the party tonight numerous friends and admirers were fretting over Mirbeau's shutting himself up in his study. Mirabeau only desperately wanted a few words with Van Gogh's grade school teacher.

At length Mirbeau asked " How do you like Paris honorable Mademoiselle "

The Teacher " simply shocking, but the food is excellent"

Mirabeau "Did she know Van Gogh was a painter"

The teacher" vaguely, but she knew he shot himself in France

Mirabeau " What did she remember of Vincent in 4th and 5th grade?

Teacher " Quiet, difficult in class, nervous, temperamental, mood swings, unremarkable as a student"

Mirabeau" did she remember the family"

Teacher" of course, Theo, the younger brother was a delight in class, one of the sisters was talented in music, but she couldn't remember her name, and the Father was a minister in the village.

Mirabeau " did Van Gogh show any special artistic ability

Teacher " none "

Mirabeau [Pointing to starry night the painting on the wall of his study] and [blowing out a few of the many candles providing the illumination in the room] " what was her impression of starry night

Teacher " it looks like the work of a gifted child "

Mirbeau Did the colors in the painting impress her in any way

Teacher " She remembered the boy Van Gogh was fascinated by the color yellow and often had said he saw yellow spots before his eyes. She had mentioned this to the Father who said the boy had epilepsy and might be a little mad.

Mirabeau-"Did she see any influences of the village in Holland in the painting"

Teacher, "the church spire of course and the boy Vincent often wrote at length about the night sky, she was told by the village doctor the boy was hyper graphic"

Did she like the picture?

Teacher " haunting and fascinating, i can see the boy Vincent Van Gogh's torment from secret demons in the picture"

Mirbeau- Did she claim any credit for the boys artistic accomplishment? For example did she treat him special in any way to encourage him?

Teacher " Young man I treated all my students kindly and as special and let God's light develop in them in its own way.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Octave (Mirbeau, please !).
    Pierre MICHEL
    Société Octave Mirbeau
    10 bis rue André Gautier
    49000 - ANGERS
    02 41 66 84 64
