
Sunday, January 18, 2015

chaos comes to America; January 20th, 2014

chaos comes to America; January 20th, 2014

Edward w Pritchard

My intuitions are signaling chaos coming to America; January 20th, 2014. Invisible forces brought by the winds from east to west across our country.

Maybe from Europe. Something about Swiss francs and euros. Invisible forces producing imperceptible changes.

Ancestral voices prophesizing chaos. It happens now and then; something about time and before and after or now and later.

Here's what I wrote before on my forebodings:

after the volcanoes

edward w pritchard

After the volcanoes, and after the earthquakes they caused and after the tsunami all was in chaos and  I walked through the disruption unfazed. Secretly I welcomed the turmoil although I saddened for the suffering of those around me. Nature had manifest our inner struggles externally and everyone must see and feel them.

After the tsunami I went to the ocean and watched for the waves. After the earthquakes I stood in the city and watched for the buildings to fall. After the volcanoes I went to the mountains to see what was anew.

After nature erupted I sat quietly and enjoyed the silence.

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