
Monday, January 19, 2015

women, don't we love them, don't we like to watch them move about

women, don't we love them,don't we like to watch them move about

Edward w Pritchard

Women can be so infinitely interesting if you keep a proper distance and perspective and just watch and enjoy the moment. I like the way they move and I like their petite mannerisms.

Here's what I wrote before about two beautiful women I knew once very different but both alluring and tres interesting.

Chasing my butterfly of the early twilight

edward w pritchard

Chasing my butterfly of the early twilight I touched her as she flitted from flower to flower.
Flamboyant, beautiful and alluring I pursued 
When the moon rose my butterfly was gone and I was alone under a granite sky.
Softly the whisping wings of another caught my ear.
Not a butterfly but a moth scudded in the moon lit air.
not chichi, but camp, my moth obscured the changing moon
a butterfly is enticing but a moth is at hand
light the torch, the moth will appear
moonlight becomes her spotted wings
heavily tumbling about
she lands awkwardly
quick to return and easy to please

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