
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

publish or perish

publish or perish

edward w pritchard

What if  University Professors to maintain tenure were no longer required to publish or perish to maintain their jobs and careers? What if instead Professors were encouraged to do humanitarian work for the communities they serve in to fulfill the previous requirement of researching and writing books and articles?

Today, now at this point in the History of human thought there are many-many books; in fact there is a glut of books on all subjects. What books that are written by Professors and other experts sometimes start with a specific premise and then search for facts and information to support their original grand idea. Enough already.

Let time move on and end publish or perish. Let Professors at Universities do community service work, time permitting, working while on the clock to help alleviate poverty, address social inequalities and assist the handicapped community. If they choose let professional educators write on the big questions of life, those without specific answers, to assist those of us of ordinary intelligence and sensibilities to better understand the purpose of existence.

Once the above changes are instituted with Professors perhaps next the Profession of Politicians could be changed to make the practitioners of elected Politics less people of action and vitality in instituting and promising changes but instead to encourage thinking, ethical- philosopher type persons to enter public service as working politicians. More on this later.

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