
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

self aggrandizement from afar

self aggrandizement from afar

edward w pritchard

Traveling from Rockville, Maryland to the mall in Washington DC last month to view the National Art Gallery, author was the only passenger during the twenty minute subway ride who was willing to, and could be observed to give up his seat to an elderly rather in-firmed Chinese lady who was about to be forced to stand during the remainder of her morning commute to DC. The lady as she thanked author mentioned she had fallen twice before on said subway it often starting and stopping quickly with violent jerks. Another much younger American woman who observed Author's actions "blessed said author on behalf of humanity", -that was nice- and author felt good inside for several days over his action.

What has happened to civility toward women, children and the elderly?

Author has often read of up to four thousand persons a year in Mumbai, India being killed or injured due to extreme over crowding in their rush hour train commutes.

Perhaps subconsciously Author gave up his subway seat in Washington DC in silent tribute to the weakened in Mumbai who are forced to ride an extremely over crowded train each morning to facilitate survival in a hostile world. Sitting here in Akron, Ohio self aggrandizing himself from afar for his good deed in DC last month author also mentions he is supposed to have a severe heart problem according to some Doctors although simultaneously said author is spending much daily effort exercising to build strong legs and bones. It was a potential sacrifice to stand on a bouncing subway car whether in America, or Mumbai, India.

Some have recently accused author of being lacking in some of the requirements for success in civil  society. Yet  author does not strike women under any circumstances, is kind and deferential to the elderly and children, and would never initiate a terrorist act against innocent persons in a theater in Paris, France or elsewhere.

Author implores Men of the World to be kind to Women, children and the weak in society. Give up your seat on the trip through life when you can. It's simple justice.

A little self aggrandizement here to himself from your humble author, excuse it if you may.

As for those of you who practice the self centered philosophies of Nietzsche or Ann Rand, and you know who you are, toward the practice of charity and kindness and instead secretly worship Power and worldly success  to make yourself feel important?

To Hell with you all. In good time. Repent ye sinners before it is too late. Blessed are the meek for they shall see God.

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