
Thursday, November 19, 2015

rust unseen, rest unheralded

rust unseen, rest unheralded

edward w pritchard

It's just a matter of time with a dreamer.

The idee fixee will be miraculously discovered, the famous and powerful will journey from the Palace in the Mountains to the humble rural farm desperate finally to receive the vital information that will right the secret malady sinking the Country and damning the present generation to repeat the gross vices of the lost past. Societies eternal Homage granting Pagan immortality to another conceited self aggrandizing Dreamer.

The dreamer unable to summon the Will to plan, unable to present and market big ideas, unable to connect with the doers, the people of action not intellectual fantasizers rests unseen. Rusting unheralded alone with his thoughts, plans and mild delusions. Reading forgotten books and incorporating ideas from the great minds of the past into his own philosophy and stealing as his own ideas themes like this one in these paragraphs stolen from American philosopher Emerson.

Judge kindly the unheralded dreamer. On balance he harms no one but himself gradually over time learning to see things as they really are. Like everyone else he must come to learn certain things about himself.

That's about all there is to it really.

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