
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

sometimes the glass is really only half full/ stock market tantrums

sometimes the glass is really only half full/ stock market tantrums

edward w pritchard

Author once worked in the collection and commercial workout department of a Bank. Trying to collect money from people who couldn't keep up in the American society's race to the top.

From time to time it became apparent that the glass really was sometimes only half full.

The stock market might just be starting one of it's periodic tantrums. Maybe there really is still a business cycle in which actual cause and effect behavior en mass matters.

The remedy? Count your blessings pilgrims. Things are really quite good my friend. Be grateful for what you have and quit comparing yourself to other people especially those hand picked by the media because they are temporarily enjoying an unusual run of good luck in their lives.

Warning author suffers from world's smartest man syndrome. Here's what we wrote earlier about the stock market around Christmas. PS no one knows what markets will do in the short run.

this below was written 12/17/2017

this wacky stock market


edward w pritchard

The rich know things we don't. Everybody knows that.

Bernard Baruch boy genius stock market investor said " let me tell you something I always sold too early."

Earlier the ultra rich Baron Rothschild said " I always sold too soon".

Everybody has opinions about this wacky stock market and the Trump rally. Opinions are cheap facts are scarce. Nobody knows what the stock market will do come January 2018.

Shakespeare said speaking as Julius Caesar in his play of the same name " there is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to fortune" that's a fact. Meaning in reference to the wacky stock market " no tree grows to the sky" as the Chinese say. The tide goes out the tide comes in, except in biblical accounts it never floods the entire earth, it always eventually goes the other way.

Take some profit in your portfolio of stocks. Buy yourself a new wardrobe.

Need some fundamental analysis on the stock market as a whole in 2018? Toys aren't selling this Christmas. That must mean something. The rich know things we don't. Too bad the Rich aren't around here to ask.

Cynics say, that's, the stock market wall street brokerage establishment, that they, the good old boys  types, can't make money if all the clients buys and holds. It's time for a little forced selling " they" say in private.

Caveat writer is neither rich nor wise but is merely pointing out " no tree grows to the sky. You only have to get rich once I have heard. It seems to me as an observer it takes hard work and sacrifice to become wealthy. Can everybody do that for years and years in a row? That's what propels the tide in the affairs of men me thinks. Take some profits pilgrim.

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