
Saturday, June 14, 2014

America 2014; the tired old battered about the face boxer decides to retire

America 2014; the tired old battered about the face boxer decides to retire

Edward w Pritchard

What next for America?

Maybe it's time for us to mind our own business more and let other powerful countries mind to their local spheres of interests and in doing so defend human rights violations, sectarian violence issues, and the sanctity of womanhood in their geographic areas of influence. Meanwhile Americans will stay home and mind to our own local interests. If the Ohio River or Wisconsin is threatened we will become enraged, otherwise let's try to mind our own interests and business in our geographic area of interest which is not the entire planet at this time in History.

America 2014; a tired old battered about the face boxer decides to retire from the ring for a while.

Let's not get involved in Iraq again and let's remember what we have learned about Sunni and Shiites in the last fifteen years and fight back by becoming oil, coal and alternative energy independent in America.

America your sins from deeds committed by us in the past have been purged and forgiven by History's march toward the future; let's raise our eyes towards tomorrow's potentialities.

Our country needs to get back to work and business and quit burning billions of dollars trying to repair the hearts and minds of people foreign to our understanding. Think locally for the time being tired America.

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