
Monday, June 16, 2014

my Ode to duty/ part two

my Ode to Duty/ Part 2

Edward w Pritchard

With crystal clarity I see what to do. It was right there in front of me all along.

Like a soldier slowly climbing out of his trench I lightly lift weapons and head across no man's land more curious for what happens next than concerned or afraid.

Ten million things interact and to proceed I plan to cut the Gordian knot at the center binding me to extinct paths and positions with my glistening dagger.

Watch me soar World. With forgotten wings I take to the sky. All clear below, gliding toward the future goes I.


Here is what I wrote before in part 1

my ode to duty

edward w pritchard

Duty you abandoned me and you were all that kept me going. I know I know I was supposed to forever chase you. Like a panting school boy with amorous plans. Forever pursuing. Never to reach the climax.

Duty whisper to me again, I will march toward your voice I promise. I am just a little lost, off the path. Dangle your enticements just to get me marching again.

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