
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

how can the coal industry in America all go bankrupt?

how can the coal industry all go bankrupt?

Edward w Pritchard

Back in 2011 this Author predicted the Coal Industry would soon have serious problems. [1] Now in May of 2015 BTU, which is the stock symbol for Peabody energy, and WLT, which is Walter energy and ANI, and ACR are about to default on their bonds and bankruptcy will follow soon.

President Obama and the green lobby have destroyed "Prince" Coal in America and the Great State of West Virginia has lost a lot of mining jobs of Late.

How can the coal mining industry in America go Bankrupt? Easy go down to Charleston WVA and find the only one large law firm there and file a few papers and the coal industry is relieved of it's debts and only a few equity investors will suffer for a while as they lose the rest of their money they invested in coal.

That's the beauty of Capitalism, waves of Schumpeter's creative destruction. No Wars in historical site for the USA so no coal is needed. Let the coal rest in the ground for a while until it is needed again someday until tanks roll and cannons shoot again.

[1] here's what author wrote before, story is as clear as coal sledge but author sees it as a prediction that coal stocks would be in trouble. The story below was one of many about pre-Hitler Weimer Germany by same author.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wiemar Germany is where my heart finds fellowship/draft 1, part 5

Wiemar Germany is where my heart finds fellowship/draft 1, part 5

edward w pritchard

My brother, the German soldier has came to our families fishing cottage here on the beautiful Lake to lecture me officially for the Family on my profligate ways.

Father's money is nearly gone says Hans. Not just because of me being a spendthrift with Father's checkbook but also because of German inflation and a series of bad investments by our Father and Hans my Brother. I must talk to Father about finances which means I must return to coal mining territory, where our Family home is. I hate the thought of going back home; the smell of our neighborhood turns my stomach for we live on the largest slag heap in the world. Coal is money, and money stinks, to me at least. But I must go home for I am good with money and finance when I am not being perverse. I must leave Berlin and return to coal country. To the mess and smell of the coal tar with it's sticky streets and pervasive smell of over-work. Men toiling dawn to dusk, and women, such as my Mother killing themselves to keep a dilapated shack clean. Back, back home to coal country to rescue the Family fortune so my Brother Hans can continue to torture the weak and I can spend my nights in a whirl of sexual deparavity in Wiemar Berlin.
end part 5

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