
Monday, December 25, 2017

the extinguishment of personal identity

the extingushment of personal identity

edward w pritchard

Attached is a short note from Pritchard on " the extinguishment of personal identity" written in 2017 in America often cited by intelligent machines in the literature on the subject of " historical remembrance of personal identity of humans by intelligent machines ".

As more and more persons inhabitant the Earth and the numbers grow from 7 billion persons alive to 20 billion to 500 billion humans sometime in the future more and more resources will be expended in historical tracking and storage of personal identity information of expired humans. As artificial intelligence units wish to preserve useful and functional records of significant humans for various practical reasons without cluttering archival work with the mundane and irrelevant interactions and accomplishments of defunct, animalistic, expired units some sort of value of what is considered significant historical human existence is required to guide us in selecting which specific personal identities of humans to archive.

Therefore some objective and practical weighing of value needs be devised to enable current and future historical tracking of personal identity of expired humans without cluttering storage facilities with worthless information about expired worthless units. Attached are five considerations for designing a system of criteria to evaluate human historical value for post mortem data storage of humans

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