
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

the greatest attractive in the Humble State Of Ohio

the greatest attraction in the humble State of Ohio

edward w pritchard

Few attractions in the humble State of Ohio are worthy of worldwide attention and acclaim to the worldwide traveler who has the expense and inclination to go anywhere on the planet for entertainment and amazement.

Although the Home of my birth and continuous domicile the State of Ohio as a worldwide  attraction of interest of man-made things or Naturally occurring locations probably rates low as a sought after world wide attraction.

Consider the plight of a pilgrim traveler from India wishing to visit himself and with an aging Parent  the  USA currently seeking one interesting and marvelous place and therefore searching and surveying the 50 American States, Puerto Rico, and Guam seeking to choose only one place to visit in our fine Country. For the moment we will leave Paris  France, London England and Florence Italy out of the equation. Where should the traveler from India go in America if only choosing one location which therefore excludes America's greatest city New York, New York which is a multiplicity of locations in itself ?

Surveying the internet prior to his journey if the world traveler checked out touted Ohio locations for a place to visit, he might find recommended a prison for animals In Columbus the Ohio State capital [ Columbus Zoo], a war museum in Dayton, Wright Patterson Air Force base, or various small time sin locations of bourgeois society in contemporary America currently existing in the State of Ohio. 

Of course the Home and birth place of Lebron James might be worthy of worldwide mention at this time in particular. Although only a dozen miles from my house I,  I  have never received an invite to Lebron's house although I did once work often in the Elizabeth street apartments once Lebron James' humble childhood home.

To me, a life time resident of Ohio and America if ask to choose one location or thing to visit for a short time in the good State of Ohio I would with-out equivocation recommend the Cleveland Art museum. The Cleveland Art museum is a sublime and marvelous place to be, comparable to the best Art museums in the world, such as the Louvre, Prado or Uffuzi  all of which I have visited and thoroughly enjoyed.

A visit of a few hours to the Cleveland Art museum transports the visitor to a place outside of ordinary Time and circumstance. The art there, at the Cleveland Museum of Art,  is remarkable, of worldwide renown. 

Visit the great Cleveland Art museum and if you have the time and convenience of present circumstance take one or more of your aging Parents. The Cleveland Art museum should be around for hundreds of more years but we won't. Visit now temporary time traveler.

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