
Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Difference Between Illinois State Prison 1953 and Salem Junior High 2015

The Difference Between Illinois State Prison 1953 and Salem Junior High 2015

Edward W Pritchard

See Our President took a bow Jan blog EWP [ for more by Jimmy Ospers]

From: Doctor Kelston Rodrigez PHD
Re James Ospers
Student essay

Conclusion: I find nothing psychotic in Mr.Ospers behavior or writing. Leave the kid alone. Granted he has an over active imagination, however feeling persecuted is normal in some situations. Mr. Ospers obviously feels being in junior high is one of those situations.

Doctor Heather Smith
Salem County School Board-PHD, MD

I disagree with Mr. Rodrigez. The case in question is not about a normal reaction to being in junior high school. Mr. Ospers is using his writing ability to vindictively
attack the school administration of the school in a series of tirades. His inability to accept authority is troubling; but his continuing flaunting and subversion of the school policies and rules is the base issue. His is not a normal case of teen rebellion.

Judge Kate Johnson retired,
Attorney for Dr L Tate-teacher Salem junior high

I represent Dr. Tate. We are involved with litigation against the Salem School board and have no comment at this time concerning student Mr. [name deleted under age ] insightful essay and its delightful attacks on the bourgeois morality in Salem County of Ohio.
We also site Michael Foucault "Discipline and Punishment" as our source of our comments on the litigation [ as does author edward w pritchard].

David Dixson
Newspaper Editor/Owner
Salem Courrier

For the Record we reproduce as our exhibit Mr. [name deleted under age] student essay entitled "The Difference Between Illinois State Prison 1953 and Salem Junior High 2015" dated March 21, 2015. We understand that the essay is blocked from publishing due to Homeland security concerns and we print it here under first amendment guarantees [ see Beacon Journal v University of Akron 1970]

Name deleted]
Grade 9
March 21, 2015

The Difference Between Illinois State Prison 1953 and Salem Junior High 2015

Report of the director Illinois State Prison 1953
as retold by Jimmy the kid

The State prison is run with a minimum of staff using the Panopticon System developed by Englishman Jeremy Bentham in 1785. The architectural design allows a few guards to observe all the inmates at once, and by using random observations trains the inmates to be self monitoring since they never know exactly who is being watched. This " normative gaze" is alert everywhere at once and is the ideal surveillance and discipline power. Additionally everything the cases do is regulated by a clock, to the micro minute. By combining the Panoptical design with regulating all activities by the clock the inmates are kept in a permanent state of visibility allowing the effective control and normalization of their activities with minimal staff at minimum expense.

RE Salem High School 2015
Students are subject to normative gaze in halls by teachers standing outside their doors and glaring, private security guards [3], and one to two actual city policeman who work full time on site. Additionally each teacher attempts to set up the classroom to allow a panoptical viewing of all students simultaneously. However, current architectural design is sadly not ideal for this. Normative gaze is used at lunch line, where everyone waits to eat under the gaze of a "duty" educator. The same gaze is used prelunch in the gym while the students wait to get in line.
Power over students is maintained with standardized testing where the objective is not mastery of a subject in question but a ranking against other students, often students in far away places who are rumored to be superior to local students. Also because of misdirected Federal policy, such as no child left behind students of all abilities are lumped together causing unfair comparisons among students due to innate differences in intelligence. Class sizes are constantly increased because of budget concerns, resulting in further necessity to use the Lancaster [England]method of using brown nose students to assist the teacher with passing out supplies, grading papers and tutoring. Administration always maintains a voice in the sky over PA system to send propaganda to students and using two way radio feature of PA system secretly monitor students and classroom teachers. Students have no voice since no one students stays long enough in system to learn techniques of control used by administration nor does any one capable student have a motivation to do anything other than quickly move through the system.

Answer by Jimmie the kid
The Difference Between Illinois State Prison 1953 and Salem Junior High 2015
The Panoptical system has been scraped in most State prisons. It continues at Salem Junior High.

Nick Brown
Bank President Second National Bank of Salem
Expert witness/ Statistican

Re: Student Mr [name deleted under age] missing all math questions on standardized test. I will assign no Z score but odds against are millions to one against, Student in question in my opinion purposely missed all questions on purpose.

Final Report
Doctor Heather Smith PHD, MD
Student in question has transferred to neighboring school district. Litigation with Dr. Tate has been settled.


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